NFT closet grow

Decided get me closet(1mx1.2mx2m)grow on again as i was given 2 unknown plants last night im a sucker for a suprise lol, no idea of strain but deffo females
any idea's if there sativa or indica?

Put them on veg in a gt205 nft tub under a 250w hps with 18/6 of light,will up the light to a 600w once the roots get going in a couple of days

any Q's welcome happy growing folks


Well-Known Member
id cover the rest of the tray if you can. bad that your light hits the water.
edit: nvm. i see its covered in other pics. subbed looks cool


Looks like a indica with some sativa in her, maybe a 70/30 mix judging by the leafs.

What nutes are you using? how you keep water temp down, do you put a frozen ice bottle in the tank? Im planning to pick up a gt205 aswell this summer when my current soil grow finishes, thats why all questions, im a hydro noob.

Nice n clean setup. S!ubbed
Looks like a indica with some sativa in her, maybe a 70/30 mix judging by the leafs.

What nutes are you using? how you keep water temp down, do you put a frozen ice bottle in the tank? Im planning to pick up a gt205 aswell this summer when my current soil grow finishes, thats why all questions, im a hydro noob.

Nice n clean setup. S!ubbed
nice1 no worries with the questions, grown in hydro for years, i use canna nutes. Vegging i use aqua veg A+B, cannazym and rhizotonic. Then when i flip em' to flower for the first week till flowers start forming i leave them on veg nutes, then they go on aqua flores A+B, cannazym, rhizotonic and boost for the rest of flower except last 5days before harvest when i flush with just plain water also i add PK 14/15 three weeks before harvest.

To be honest dont check me water temp other grow consists of 14 tubs and i just dont have time, thats why i grow in nft because it takes a minute check that the res has water and to take a ppm reading, all about it being simple for me :)
Right its been a couple of weeks just a little update,

had the plants on veg for a week 1week in.jpg1week in 2.jpgroots 1 week nft.jpgthey have picked up nicely.

Stuck my 600w hps in and flipped them to flower a week ago now they are really getting going.
1 week 12-12.jpg1week12-12.jpg1week 12-12.jpgroots 2weeks nft.jpg

Changed the the nutes today to flowering nutes (canna aqua flores A+B),i start them off on 25ml per 15 litre water,i also add 40ml rhizotonic, 25ml cannazym.

got any questions just ask
peace out bongsmilie


Active Member
I'm currently looking at a GT205 but would like to ask some questions about water consumption rates if that's cool. I'd like to know how often do you need to add water? I ask because as I understand the 20 litre tank only takes about 15 litres. I'm looking to stretch to plants into a square meter to make use of a low plant count and my concern is that a canopy of that size is going to have a massive root system drinking water like a bitch.

I was looking at having a second tank plumbed up to the GT205 to increase the capacity of the system. I can't get to the groom sometimes for 2-3 days so was thinking that the larger tank would allow some leeway with replenishing nutes, water and ph levels. Of course the pump would be in the second tank pumping into the GT205 so the whole thing circulates properly. The second tank is also outside the groom (which will keep it out of the 26 degrees zone). The whole capacity of the system is about 57 litres which is about 4 times the size of the 15 litre capacity of the GT205 so I'm guessing this would be good right?

Could you give me some pointers on what your feeding regime is like using just the GT205 with regards to water, nutes and ph levels please?

cheers pal
hey only just been able get bck online due to a holiday at HMP lol thats why my journal aint finished. Have you got ursen a gt205 yet then pal?

Like you mention water consumption all depends on size of your plants, you should always keep your nute/water level above the minimum mark in the tub to keep the nutes that arn't needed from becoming to concentrated, I usually top up water/nutes every 3days untill the plants are about 18 inches and then every 2days but added nutes all depends on what my truncheon ppm reads and how my plants look. Mine drink about 3-4 litres of water on average every couple of days then when i flip them to flower at about 18" they can drink anything frm 5-7 litres every 2days as they get bigger,then about 4 week in flower they will normally start emptying my tub.

Sounds like you could do with a top up system not a big un bcuz you not away for that long, basically its a ballcock in you tub, this will be easier then guessing how much to pump in.

hope this makes sense lol, let me know how you get on pal
i have a nft gt 205 aswell ,doing my first grow i was wondering how much i will have to top up each week in veg if im growing 2 plants ,
all depends on size and strain of your plants, I find on average i top up with about 5 litre every 3 days that keeps my level above the minimum mark but i never veg bigger than 18-20 inches tall.

How often can you get to your plants?