NFT growers! I need your feedback


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Well-Known Member
well ntf will work but just make sure the channels are big enough for the root space..why not just keep is simple and do areo with 5 foot long plastic fence post with caps...that one guy on here...Commerical ....he did that using 30 600 watters growing like that...freaking amasaing..had one res in the middle with the post coming from both ends... you can build that for cheap...


Well-Known Member
I'd definitely consider an aero/nft hybrid, like an aeroflo2 or "StinkBud" or "Earl's Space Shuttle". The conversion from a plain NFT to an aero is pretty much a bigger pump, a manifold and some misters. When ran properly, an aero/nft hybrid will outperform an nft.


Well-Known Member
The fence post is very nice and has more options for sure.
So how large res in center for all columns?
I like that quad nft idea aswell,maybe a mix like aerokings setup.
Could i just have the post cloumns slanted "V" at 3degree tilt twards center
Would the goal be to fill up the room with as many as i can sog style
or space them out so they have a bit of room?
Im liking this more and more,its cheap,easy but what could this yield?
commericial has more watts than i can run,any one else have a link to commercials grow,im to lazy to look.Hmmmm tell me more! That might be the ticket.
my room is 9 ft wide could i fit 15 colums with 2" of space imbetween?
I think the posts 5" or 5.5 and are 42$ i forget.
2 x 15-posts=3o posts total=$12oo
res {what size?}
Then aero pvc and pumps {what size should i use}

im gona go serch for commericials link...cheers


Well-Known Member
Well for maximum yields I would keep it as simple as possible and depending on style, go from there.
super sog with 2 4x8 tables and 256 hahalf ounce buds would be the way id do it:)


Well-Known Member
I am interested in both aero and nft
I have experamented w aero and the resultys were crazy!
Would nft out preform aero with less work?