nft/spray style Medi Bud yellowing with droopy leaves no root growth some spots PICS>


Hello all. This is currently my 4th grow and its my first with my new homemade system. The strain is Medi Bud. they are 2 weeks old. i always start my seeds off in a peat mix and switch them to netpots once they get a couple leaves and never had a problem with roots or growth in DWC. temp is 84 in room res stays 64-86f. also running CO2. ph is 5.6-6.0 using CWP 24-7 nutrient monitor. theyve been in hydro for 4 days now, before they were green like the luna haze(in the cup picture). now 4 days later theyre getting ugly. started with yellowing of the cotyledons then first leaves turned pale green. spots on the leaf tips with some curl up. i fig it overnuted it seeing how the soil mix was nuteless and they were fine so i switched them back to plain phd tap water with 2ml of voodoo juice to the 6gal res. now the leaves look all saggy as if overwatered but i have airstones and a 12inch water drop to the res with opt res temps for oxygen so i dont understand. before i switched them the roots were growing nicely now they dont seem to have grown in 3 days. using advanced nutrients sensi grow a&b b52 and voodoo juice in veg. any ideas on whats wrong?. also the stems seem kinda purpleish



anybody online? sorry im just worried cause im gonna be at work all day tomorrow and as fast as this has progressed im affraid some may not make it through the day! could it be that im keeping the roots wet too high up. should i put the pump on a timer like 15 on 15 off?


well i put the pump on a 30 on 15 off timer so my res temps stay down. the smallest one and the biggest one look the best its weird


Well-Known Member
Looks like no takers so I will have a go.

It looks to me like massive compounded shock on plants with tiny root systems developed.

For example:

i always start my seeds off in a peat mix and switch them to netpots once they get a couple leaves and never had a problem with roots or growth in DWC.
Switching to the hydro method will be the first shock. Taking them out of the peat pots will no doubt damage roots.

temp is 84 in room
84f is probably 7 degrees too warm for tiny seedlings that have barely rooted.

res stays 64-86f.
Don't let your res go over 68. Oxygen levels drop after that and by 86 they'll be in solid shock.

also running CO2.
Very unecessary on such small plants. Start your co2 at the earliest once they are in full veg and only after you start them on the full strength veg nutrient, or even wait till you switch them to budding. (this would be shock number 4)

i fig it overnuted it seeing how the soil mix was nuteless and they were fine so i switched them back to plain phd tap water with 2ml of voodoo juice to the 6gal res.
While that was a good move to switch back to water, the switching would have also shocked the roots. It is best to wait until you have a good sized root system before putting plants into production mode.

What you are seeing there are baby plants balking at a combination of shocks and being fed powerful chemical nutrients when they haven't really even popped a real set of roots yet.

Overwatering as well along with the other shocks has probably caused the roots to cease uptaking nutrient and the net result is nutrient deficiency along with probable nutrient burn from feeding nutrients to plants that barely have roots in the first place.

I assume you are also stripping plants out of the peat pellets? Just going by the pics...

Clones could probably be rooted directly in the system you are running there but doing seedlings in pellets then transplanting them in that manner would send them into a head spin, add to that the other shocks.

Hope that helps.


thanks for the reply Jonus. as for the res temps i meant 64-68 lol i use a ice box heat exchanger to cool my res on with my ac duct before my lights. also when i said peat mix i believe i was wrong its MG seed starter mix in plastic cups. i simply run water over the roots by faucet into a bucket as gently as possible to lessen the risk of shock. i totaly understand the need for a good root system and not damaging it (lost a lady from repositioning the roots from my drain and got root rot). ive ran dwc twice and my last was a Black Domino Scrog Nft style and havent had this problem. do you think im keeping to much of the rootzone wet(like to high up) cause thats the only difference i can see from my dwc and nft (75% roots submerged or constantly wet) and this top feed/spray style(100% roots wet from stem down). good call on the underdevoloped roots the one that looks the best has the biggest root mass surprise!lol. my next question should i feed them a low dose since the cotyledons are burned up and theyve hardly any roots with stored nutes? ive switched one of the ladies back to the starter mix to see how she recovers. i may do my first soil grow if she does better jk. thanks for the knowledge it is greatly appreciated

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I got to tell yah, you have Balls. Tackleing an advanced grow system like that as a novice. WOW. That kind of system has to have everything dial tits on at all times. When things go wrong they go wrong freaky fast. Best of luck on your recovery.

OH!!! What is your CWP 24-7 nutrient monitor? Are you trusting some automatied system to regulate the amount of nutrients they get?


That's what it look like to me too but I've never had this prob in dwc and nearly all the roots were submerged 24-7. I'm gong to switcht them back for a week or 2 then try the hydro again. My thought is the inderdevoloped roots I've now had my Luna haze in here almost 24hrs and I've had almost a half inch of root growth with it. And cwp is contrtrol wizard products just a ppm ph and temp monitor. Just a fancy way of saying it lol. I'm stoned. I highly recommend trying the Black domino strain very nice stone n easy to grow. Thanks for everybodysadvice. Guess well wait n see how they do.


So I transplanted back and in the process I noticed the back of the yellow leaves are a red/purple close to the stem any ideas?


so thanks to... me i figured out my problem was copper toxicity. the ice box heat exchanger i was using actually to cool my nutrient solution was leaching the copper line into my system causing root stunting. i switched them back to MG seed starter and they recoverd within a week so i switched them to dwc to no avail. then i removed the heat exchanger now ive got explosive root growth and foliage. so now im debating on goin back to my nft aeroponic system or doing a under-current dwc. any thoughts? these plants are way tougher than alot of ppl give them credit for ive put mine through hell and back in the last few weeks and finaly theyre doing good. hope this helps sombody.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Wow!!! Very cool!! Most people do not understand how corrosive some nutrients are. Some nutrients will slowly eat away at rubber made tubs. I can not remember which nutrient it was, but about a year ago I spilled some of the nutrients on my wrist and kept mixing and such. 15 minutes later my skin was burnt and starting to blister.


yeah youve gotta watch that. i used to use Cutting Edge Solutions and the bloom(i think it was) got on my hand and it itched like crazy for a little while. really acidic im guessing