Nice Cocaine pick up


Active Member
Looks more like molly or something lol he needs a better pic. But yeah i've paid up to 100 for a G on the road since everything around me is cut with god knows what. Stuffs up my nose like no other -__- Some G's going for $130


Well-Known Member
that big rock looks kind of funky to me as well, and holy dog doo doo, $100 for a g, jesus.. used to get teens for $80 of some fire..

Ahh, the 70s. $60 a gram, dealer stash, as uncut as he'd enjoy himself.
Of course, the dealer got killed, he was carrying a lot of money on a known path.
And I only made $6 an hour in those days.

Now $200 a G would be cheap if I could actually find some decent quality.


bud bootlegger
Looks more like molly or something lol he needs a better pic. But yeah i've paid up to 100 for a G on the road since everything around me is cut with god knows what. Stuffs up my nose like no other -__- Some G's going for $130
damn, i knew there was a reason i gave up that hobby, lol.. i haven't touched blow in over a decade.


Active Member
i never saw the real big deal about coke ive lived in fl for about 13 years and i did some of the best coke you can find, and it never really did shit but make me numb and feel a little good, and its only like 60 for some good shit down there, maybe just cuz i got the hook up shit did look cut to hell though. The best shit i did down there blew my dick off though i later found out it was cut with meth though so that would explaine why i was zooming haha.


Well-Known Member
Cocaine is god's way of saying you have too much money. I'm quite glad that I've never enjoyed it. From the outside looking in it doesn't look like I missed much.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
96% pure. If you believe that I got a bridge for you. 96% is purer than you're likely to find in South America.
Not to mention just to have it in a salt soluble form would preclude the possibility Of more than 92% purity. Besides you are an utter fool for paying $100 for 2 grams when a ball goes for $80 and so clean it makes your ears ring. Now you need to do meth and continue to fuck over yourself

Mr. Krinkle

Well-Known Member
Trippy Mayne still isn't back yet huh....i bet he moved on to bigger and better things ...either that or he's debating whether his life is still worth living....


Well-Known Member
i never saw the real big deal about coke ive lived in fl for about 13 years and i did some of the best coke you can find, and it never really did shit but make me numb and feel a little good
Same here. I've done shit that my more experienced friends have done, and while they popped the biggest boner over it, I was yawning and just numb.

It's boring, and kills my nose. Rather eat some moonrocks for sure. Now that's a stim


Well-Known Member
Cocaine is god's way of saying you have too much money. I'm quite glad that I've never enjoyed it. From the outside looking in it doesn't look like I missed much.
You missed out on robbing your friends blind and acting like a retard when you have the inevitable cocaine psychotic break.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I have a close friend going through crack/cocaine addiction issues right now, so this kind of hits home. He lives on Hastings... yeah. It's really not a good drug.

He even described to me as evil, he said it didn't even make him feel good, it just made him do horrible shit to keep his habit going...

I've done my fair share. It's been about a decade here too. At best it was useful to keep a conversation going. Maybe might make you feel good about yourself for about half an hour before you needed to go skiing again.


bud bootlegger
i've been down that road as well og, and yah, no fun indeed.. now i look back, i don't even know what i saw in the high from rock.. that shit is just awful, and the way it makes you feel is pretty shite as well, not to mention the way it makes you think as well..
so glad i've since moved on to greener pastures and have my life back.. :D

i wish your buddy luck figuring things out ogevil.. :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he needs it. I never had a big problem with cocaine, so I'm fortunate like that. But I've done it a lot more times than I can count on my fingers and toes and I've seen what it does to people who weren't so lucky.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing, I recall fondly my times with LSD, I recall very fondly my times with opium or with qualuudes but I don't have such fond memories of the years I spent with blow. Even with the women, it was the gross excess that got me. Coke was fine when it was a small addition to a fine time out but it all too quickly turned into "let's not go out.... clubing takes too much time out of our snorting" and then not too long before it got to snorting a couple of lines and then peering out between the curtains for 10 minutes before...... snorting another line. And this was good and often excelent coke. Strange that I gained an ability to moderate it's use only after I had intentionaly divorced myself from anyone who could get it. I tried everything from giving it to a trusted person (didn't work because I could always weedle it out of her) to dumping grams of it in liquers that were so sweet one couldn't sip but a shot or two (didn't work because I figured I could just dilute it and still finish up a bottle in a few days). the problem with coke is that the clever person can always get around their own safeguards and their strength of will diminishes rather rapidly.

And base? bad bad bad idea. We had a certain level of honor in my group, even where coke was concerned but that all got washed away when we started basing it.

We had lots and lots of it. I recall sitting in a room with a bag and a big mirror there being 4 or 5 or 10 people in the room, all looking at me. At first I would go through the trouble of laying out 20 nice lines. Then it got to 10. Then my associates and I would start fucking with people. Lay out 9 for 10 people. In those days there was protocol. The giver would take his first so as to not confuse the recipients and assure them that if someone accidently spilled the mirror - the giver wasn't insulted.

So the last person would be shorted and figure that one of the others fucked him. Then we would lay out 11 and see what happened to the last one. Then we would conspicuously not take any ourselves, when the mirror came back to us empty we would make a big deal out of it. Sometimes we would wait and only make a deal out of it after we saw the hunger in their eyes, not the hunger for that first line, but for the third of the evening - before their brains were working fully on the drug and still had some dopamine or whatever left, before everything was depleated and they were working on the effects of the coke alone but after they were in that place they didn't want to leave (if you've had good coke - you know that place and you know how precariously you stay there). I started laying out fat lines next to thin ones, short ones next to long ones, breaking the code and not laying out even little rails. Would people pick and chose? would they leave the thin one for the next person? Oh once in a while someone would take the razor and redistribute his or hers but I took to leaving the razor off of the mirror.

We would do elaborate spirals so people would have to guage how much to take and how much the others might take to ensure that I had some when the mirror got back to me - no lines, no dependence upon the giver to equal everything out. I would alter the place and person I handed the mirror to so they would have problems figuring out how to have everyone get their share and still have the mirror arrive back to me with a line left. The best part (now) was how I had all these people sruggling to please me but not to the point where they didn't get their line, after all, what was the point then?

I recall a birthday party where I spelled out H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y, but there were 15 people a the party including myself. I was flattered and impressed when the mirror came back with two Y's left.

The point here is that this stuff is crap. I wound up demeaning people when I had the power of pleasure over them and they wound up using me - and they never ever figured out what we were doing to them. I am alternately ashamed of my actions and amazed that I had that much power.

cocaine is a mistifying, powerful, dangerous and ultimately painful drug. If anyone can figure out how to have fun on it and walk away the instant that stops - good for them.

I am not one of them no matter what little stories I tell myself.


New Member
id say 80% looks like some decent shit pretty fresh too. i was cut shittily tho you can see separation of the substances.

2g for a hun(i imagined that chunk is a g and the powder is a g so 2g visibly, what dumasses) aint bad not the greatest price, but if its over 80% it would be a score!

what i say depends on what you plans are for it... me i would cut it down some with some thing fairly healthy, and spread it out over a few weeks probably or i would cut that shit(a lot better than it currently looks:/) and sell it for triple what i paid(probably cut down to 30-35% 50$ a g)
Are you seriously saying that nug is equal to a gram? Are you sure you have seen real cocaine before?