Nice-GUY, Multi Camel-Toe Grow


Well-Known Member
Got a Q....would running cfls 20 hours on along with an hps at 12 hours be a problem? Like do you think it will mess with photosynthesis and cause hermie or something.

mr west

Well-Known Member
the plants gonna notice the drop in lumins im sure, wether itll stress it enough to make it hermi? I dunno only one way to fine out, be a pioneer, test it out and document it for the boys an gals in rollitupland


Well-Known Member
It looks like toilet paper..that may screw you..I did it once and all the little hairs got into the fibers...I like paper towels..... I know..bite me twisty...LOL..
Consider yourself bitten. (chompchomp OW! my dental work!) Using toilet paper may lead to excessive vagilint.

Excuse me, MisterNiceGuy, but I see neither camel toe nor moose knuckle. Do you sport? :lol:


Well-Known Member
The unknown is a week older then the rest, i threw that in there for the hell of it while i waited to choose what seeds to start.
You may not seed said toe of camel, but it is there, i assure you it is there. I knew a girl who suffered from the disease o' vagilint.


Well-Known Member
Yea like no one i show this to, can see the bud eating creature hiding amongst my plant...if you look real hard you will see it lol



Well-Known Member
haha yea, like my own personal slice of the sun. 3 extra bulbs =), remoted the ballast and ignitor for weight and heat issues. Yesterday was a fine day with ma light and celebrated with some jeager and ganjika
-Mister Nice GUY


Well-Known Member
Made a hood out of a an old Kodiak Chew Sign. Put on one of them fans we love so much. :hump: Made a new hidden cabnit, placed the rest of the growing babies in there. And for those who watched the last one, my friend had to get rid of the bubblelicious i gave him. He had been re-vegging it since we smoked the buds and there seems to be a lot of new growth. Placed that fellow in with the others to veg for 3 weeks and re bud it. Von Dross Bitches!
Anywho, will have pictures of all of them momentarily :joint: so sit back and smoke some dro.

Hood -


Well-Known Member
Oh shiza, forgot to update about my situation. Had some problems a bit ago. And am totally revamping everything. Turns out need more ventilation with the new HPS. So I got a hurricane lamp to help. I am recovering one plant right now, not lookin good. I build stealth boxes for people I know and am getting ready to start building enough to sell and make them supper stealth along with easily put together for shipping. Think items like a dresser, and what not only not $1,500 like the others online. Will update when I get the chance man.


Well-Known Member
New pics please!!!
p.s plans to open a new Club in our city are underway!!! I'm sick of hearing about bad clones and shit buds being sold all over when we are in the state that produces some of the best pot in the world!!! Not to mention we are the first major stop when growers come down the hill.... We should have the best shit possible!