NickNasty's First Guerrilla Grow 2010 - Its going to be big (hopefully)


Well-Known Member
I T totally feel ya Nick. Im down to just 30 myself from a few hundred clones. Between the critters and the native plants ive gotten quite beaten up. Lessons learned and they are rarely cheap. Well lets just hope the rest make it ole buddy. Next year going at it all diffrent myself. Peace 1BMM


Well-Known Member
Ok so it's been awhile since I updated so I figured I would do a pic update. I took pics of spot number 1 but they all turned out very blurry and since I plan on going back there in about a week I figured I would just retake the pics then but must of those are doing good. I do have some photo's of spot 2 that I am putting up and these are the ones that got engulfed in the choker vines. Most have been pulled down on there side from the vines or the bottom portion of the plants have been stripped of all vegetation from them. I realize this is my fault for not visiting them enough but I have learned my lesson and will be doing some preventive steps next year to keep it from happening again. Anyways here are the pics, considering 2 weeks ago you couldn't even see them because the vines had completely covered them I think they are doing ok and am just happy I didn't loose them totally . :peace:

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i thought u wanted the girls to look like shrub trees at first, kill the fucking vines with a machete and call it good. thats a sick ass gorilla grow so far in the cuts killer vines attack


Active Member
looking great. pretty good for a virgin :) hope it all turns out well and i will keep checking in. so offten do you go out there?


Well-Known Member
Well I was only going out when they needed watering and to add fertilizer which was like every 3 weeks but with those choker vines Im going to have to go out at least once a week just to keep them at bay.


Active Member
yeah vines suck and so do other bushes. they bring bugs and stuff. thats why i had a dozer come in and clear my spot. btw what is rep? im a noob to this site and could use some help. thank much and keep in touch.

The Snowman

Active Member
yeah vines suck and so do other bushes. they bring bugs and stuff. thats why i had a dozer come in and clear my spot. btw what is rep? im a noob to this site and could use some help. thank much and keep in touch.
the little star right below everyones posts on the left 8-)


Good Shit Nick....Super guerilla.....harsh toques on the Murderous big deal sure it will keep growing...Like weeds...