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Espousing racist philosophies and hating everyone who is not European is pretty racist. I mean maybe he doesn't own slaves or burn crosses but still pretty fucking racist.
Espousing racist philosophies and hating everyone who is not European is pretty racist. I mean maybe he doesn't own slaves or burn crosses but still pretty fucking racist.
Only a few Mexicans, lots and lots of Spanish tho.harrekin, how many mexican chicks have you known?
so, you have not seen the magazine covers, the major network news stories and the glowing rhetoric celebrating the glorious future when all races become a single uniform colour?
of course you have seen it. it just offends your narrative.
multiculturalism sounds like a great thing to you, as well as it's inevitable cognate, mono-racialism.
without differences in race everyone will be equal so thats good right? but what about those who do not conform? they are of course RACISTS!
likewise multicultural social experiments inevitably lead to one social group dominating the others, the only question is WHICH social group? the western democratic logical society or the primitive superstitions of thrid world lands full of djinns, hoodoos, saints, and gri gris.
i for one prefer european style societies, if i wanted to live in a country dominated by religous fanatics, i would move to iran, if i wanted to live in a country where raping infants is the cure for disease i would move to kenya, and if i wanted to live in a country that veiws it's governmental leader as a divine prophet touched by grace and gifted with divine wisdom i would move to north korea (or utah)
Does this make you sexist? You know he is a man yet you call him a woman as if it is an insult. Are you a misogynist Uncle Buck? Naughty boy. Where are those damn feminists when you need them?!it's only real real racism if it hurts other people. the only person miss kynes is hurting is herself with her silly worldview. she doesn't hate all non-"european style societies", she simply prefers the company of like individuals.
i should have said "philosophy based in racism", because even people like ma'am kynes can espouse that shit without actually being a racist IRL.
Those nose burps are the worst. The burn makes the eyes water.Misogyny rears its ugly head. Just not as easy to yell as RACIST!
MISOGYNIST////wha?? that made me burp into my nose.
it's only real real racism if it hurts other people.
My 5y/o comes home saying things like,"you get what you get and don't get upset." I asked her where she learned this nonsense and the answer:"my teacher".It hurts his children and the children at his childrens' school. This is why good education should be free.
Researchers establish link between racism and stupidity
Findings taken from numerous research projects strongly indicate that prejudice, racism and intolerance are more likely to be present in individuals with greater cognitive rigidity, less cognitive flexibility and lower integrative complexity.
Does this make you sexist? You know he is a man yet you call him a woman as if it is an insult. Are you a misogynist Uncle Buck? Naughty boy. Where are those damn feminists when you need them?!
I much prefer the sound of lisping Castillian Spanish to that Tex-Mex drawl of Mexico.
You're an interesting conservative, I'll give you that.
with kynes, i feel like he would never be racist, but simply espouses racist philosophies.
still just easier to call him a racist for even promoting this nonsense.
can't be so sure miss kynes is a man when the benefits of vagisil are so abundantly clear.
You warned us it was going to be ignorant by the way you used the word cognate (un cognado es un palabra como mismo o similar en dos o mas idiomas).
I like how you then intentionally warned us that the ignorance you were going to spew was of the extreme racist variety. Thanks for that.
So then I read it and I have to say, if this is the reason Anders Breivik killed all those people, I don't get it. I mean, you do realize, he went on a killing spree in order to publicize this crap about multiculturalism right? Why is that such a big deal?
Oh he was a Zionist too by the way. Just another thing you have in common with him.
Then you go on to say how much you prefer European society to a long list of people you hate.
At least I got the chance to teach you some English and some Spanish.
Cheer up, Mexican chicks are hot and they like white boys.
Fight Racism, make mixed babies!