Well-Known Member
why do you hate canadians? you are a Canuckophobe!
It has a boring flavor, just like most Canadians.
why do you hate canadians? you are a Canuckophobe!
that's your paranoid theory, not the accepted definition of multiculturalism.
in fact, i doubt that's even your paranoid theory, i'd be more inclined to think that you purposely took white supremacy and tried to slap the label of multiculturalism onto it. it could be both though.
your people?
you mean birchers?
of course you nutty fucks deserve it. you guys are a blight on our political landscape.
lol, praise for stormfront. awesome.
again, that's white supremacy.
It has a boring flavor, just like most Canadians.
dont cotton to the crazy of islam, i must hate and fear all moslems.
think it's a wacky cult, that the world would be better off without? i therefore must want to kill all moslems
dont feel the need to bend over backwards to avoid offending their delicate sensibilities,? i am a very hateful person who should be stuffed into a sack and beaten with sticks.
yep. makes perfect sense.
i guess im also a liberal-phobe, a Scientolog-ophobe, a seventh day advet-ophobe, a mormon-ophobe, a cathlic-ophobe, a baptist-ophobe, a new-age-ophobe, and a bullshit-ophobe
it must be very gratifying to shove everyone who doiesnt agree into the "hateful and terrified" box and pretend they are just irrational.
Long winded klansmans rant can be summed up in one sentence - "I'm scared of everyone that isn't like me" hence the white supremacy.
yep. im totally afraid of that alien and terrifying race known as Mormons
damn you really are obtuse
i concede. canadian whiskey is very bland.
but it's still racist to not like it.
again, only if you deconstruct my clear and unequivocal statement, bend it into tortured shapes to suit your narrative and then act like im racist for not agreeing with your every passing fancy.
Well, I don't love these mud fights, but you have the 9th A. on your side here.
So, I sand my parts and muddy up before I get here. I work for a living. Don't bother. Let us discuss this if we can.
So us Che-ists are not for any supremacy, we are for struggle. The goat on top is ganged up on. So, a struggle for supremacy is one thing. But, a position of supremacy must be assailed. Viva Che, Viva Che.. blah, blah...
So, whites have it and we go after it. So, I know many are reeling around without much comprehension or much compensation. Tough tittie, this world.
So, my guts to choke on is this. If we are battling about racial supremacy, we are disqualified from the ring. It is cultural supremacy that is being fought for.
Free to speak or not
Free to marry or not
Free to procreate or not
Free to ignore Religion or not
Free to decides who leads or not
Free to travel or not
Free to know or not
Free to dream?
Free from Fear?
Free from Arbitrary?
Free from Warlord?
Now just wake the fuck up everyone. This is not about race. And if we it keep about race, the top race will be the bottom slaves soon enough. The info age itself is frightening and dangerous. The history of superstition is also brought forward. Brutal practices, forgotten to all but few, are brought back against the now bottom race.
Doomed to forget? Impossible. History repeats, on it's on, with a new score card and new players. The rules even change, but the Cultural Supremacy is always the only game. The rest is vapid theory.
The entire premise of Race will doom us poor white trash and those whites will be the slaves. The Caliphate has a long history of slaves.
Does anyone still think those slaves were just picked out of trees like I was taught as a kid? Islam sold those slaves to the British and they brought them to the Americas along with the Spanish, Dutch and French slavers doing the same. Islam had American as slaves recently. The Barbary Coast of Libya is the cradle of our sea power.
And yet America, is the victim of it, but is blamed for Slavery. So, soon only America will be blamed. The history is being whitewashed for social tinkering and Conquest. Since you can dumb down the enemy, a culture of Islam is where this world is headed.
Think about 50 years from now with the constant dumbing down and Blame America for Slaves. You could teach the USA death penalty, is the only example, throughout history. No one was ever put to death, before the evil USA.
And teach only the Buddhists are violent people. Those under Islam seek peace. Sharia is not violent. Self ruled govts are violent. Double think works, as we can plainly see. Impossible? No, quite possible now, as we see in RIU.
Do you think history can't be re-written? It already is being re-written everyday in the forced stupid efforts.
I guarantee this will go badly for Americans as it already is, and I'm glad I won't live to see it.
Not obtuse enough to buy into your views on Marxists, Muslims and multi-culturists... Or as the rest of us see it "White Purity"... Keep a stormfronting you pathetic little man...
Pg. 85 of the manifesto
Don't act like shit?
Which manifesto? I know you have better in you. So, say it. I'm listening.
Ride straight at me, dude. Don't be a coward. Just photons.
You seem to disagree. Why be a jerk. Refute. Or maybe re-read?
So us Che-ists... Viva Che, Viva Che.. blah, blah...
So, whites have it and we go after it. So, I know many are reeling around without much comprehension or much compensation. Tough tittie, this world.
Do you think history can't be re-written? It already is being re-written everyday in the forced stupid efforts.
Sorry about that. Really. I did go a bit far. Pet PEEVE!!! I want more from you. Ride straight with me, is much better than... at me. Then we can swat at each other, without crashing.
Thank you for saying. And if you were not being a jerk, just a little.....well, are you quite sure about that?![]()
Was your account hacked or something? I swear you're a new man.
You're the same old douchebag...