Night Crawlers Earth Worms


Well-Known Member
Im wondering if there are any of you who have used night crawlers in your worm bins or in your pots?

What did you experience?
Were there any noticeable Cons?
I have used them in my pots

but avoid it now

as they leave little piles of poop/ the good stuff

all over the floor

best place is the bin

where they eat very few roots

good luck
Night crawlers and earth worms are not the same thing.

Night crawlers congregate at the bottom so they're not good for worm bins. Better for pots.

Red wigglers are best for worm bins. They congregte near or on the surface feeding on new organic material.
Canadian type nightcrawlers are deep soil dwellers and cannot tolerate mix temps in a Grow area. Belgium or European nightcrawlers will work. Some were in the wigglers I bought. Bait vendors treat wigglers and euros the same. The big crawlers are refrigerated.
I run both red wrigglers and European nightcrawlers in my bins (6), and have for the last 7 years. They work great together.

hillbill is totally correct about the Canadian nightcrawlers. IIRC, they like soil temps ~50* or so.