night time temps round 62°…this to low?


New Member
Will this slow growth?...lights on temps 72-74°…lights off 62°…its starting to get colder outside n my set ups are in garage...the space heater I have now keeps it around these temps...should I upgrade to a bigger heater or is this enough?

Dice Clay

Active Member
Yes its to cold. Dont drop temps below 68f (20c)!
My lowest night time temps lately have been dipping from 48-55F... Buds are huge, growing nicely.... please temper all advice given on this site with a little salt. It is actually a good range to have your plants in if you like to have tight robust nugs. I have grown many many many times, and the winter always brings a dip... do what you feel is best, but I would save the electricity... in my opinion and experience you are not "to" (too) cold. Good luck.

Here is a link to my flowering plants that have the cold night time temps



Well-Known Member
i would have to agree with dice, although i grow indoor, in the uk i do not provide any heating at night, during winter my plants are around 60-62 f at night
with no problems, if anything i would say running your plants a little warmer during the day 80f would make them grow a little faster, as long as you have a good fresh air supply coming in
the extra heat speeds things up during the day,
the cold nights may make them turn pretty colours :)



Well-Known Member
My temps run 75 day around 58-60 at night. No problems. It certainly helps bring out all the nice colors. Indica does much better than sativas with cooler nite temps.


Active Member
your plants look quite healthy. 68 is "too" cold? come on, you think outdoor plants never see a 68 degree night? keep doin what your doin OP


Active Member
My daytime temps are between 66-68*F and night time is the same and it doesn't seem to be a problem. My guess is that higher temps would open up the stomas to grow a little quicker but I'm not sure it matters that much.


Well-Known Member
Will this slow growth?...lights on temps 72-74°…lights off 62°…its starting to get colder outside n my set ups are in garage...the space heater I have now keeps it around these temps...should I upgrade to a bigger heater or is this enough?
That's fine. Like another poster said - take advice here with a grain of salt. No es muy frio. Esta bien por la mota.

In other words, no that is far from too cold. 30 degrees? That's too cold.


Active Member
as a side note, running your temps on the low side has has an impact on pests, particularly bugs - they hate the cold! dropping your temps will not take out an entire mite infestation but it will certainly slow them down or better yet keep them from getting a strong start to begin with. i personally shoot for low 70's day and night. food for thought :)


Active Member
I'm no expert but I am east coast and this time of the year With light out I go from 50-62F lights out depending on how cold it is outside. Running a 400 HPS I am 72F MAX with lights on. I honestly haven't noticed ANY drooping or stress whatsoever, and the buds are all much frostier than my summer grows with same setup. I could go crazy and run a heater and keep it higher but a small heater draws about 1500 WATTS and thats more than my whole grow setup so I deal with it and never had a issue. I figure outdoors it gets even colder than that and I never had cold kill a plant to be honest....Not to ramble on but i feel like I have more problems with too hot then too cold. good luck :joint:


Well-Known Member
Some one talked about outdoor plants. You can't compare the two, they are completely different. It hit near 100 degrees this Summer and my outdoor plants were fine. 100 in my tent would cause some damage. Outdoor plants get light at night, indoor don't like it.
A ten degree difference between day and night temp is optimal !
I have read this but it does not make sense in my grows. I also just read something that says you should keep indoor plants at about 75 at all times.I had a grow where the temps hit the high 50s a bunch of nights. The plants growth was slowed. The flowering took about 2 extra weeks.I put seedling mats under my plants on a timer to warm the roots when the lights are off. My next grow was colder and I did better, faster.I think hitting the 60s probably won't hurt, but I bet your plants would be happier if they were warmer.


New Member
I like 74-75....maybe 78max....this is what its been entire grow n they've thrived...just started hitting 60s this pas week...n they still seem fine..if it goes below 60 ima upgrade the space heater.