Nightmare on My Street!!


Active Member
my nightmare came close to reality tonight that left all of my ladies resting in peace :-(.

Picture this, I'm studying quietly and all of a sudden a coptor is circling my neighborhood shining its light within a few houses from mine (12am)...i jump to my feet screaming OMFG!!

I rush to move my plants (heart beating hysterically) and as I go to retrieve the last plant, the light shines directly on it, the light does not fix on it but passes it. I'm going friggin' nuts here and I panic. I put all my ladies to rest within 2 min, hacking away and the adrenaline is so high i don't even realize that i'm accidentally hacking my other hand in the process. I would say ouch but i never felt even a pinch as my hand gets mutilated from swinging a hand saw like a machete

WTF!! I've never felt the rush of anything like this in my life...IT SCARED THE CRAP OUT ME!!

Nothing to show for the time and love I invested in the last 7 months but a bare garden!

Just needed to reach out. This forum has taught me a great deal and I thank you all for the knowledge but unfortunatley in the end...I had to cover my ass. Said my last words to my plants "I'm sorry"..literally like they were people. Luckily no police or dea came forward. Quite a spook

This may seem funny to some but I wish this experience on to nobody. Even though i'm protected by the Department of Public Health, I knew federally I could still get charged. I've been paranoid about my whole growing project since I started. Don't know if I should credit this to the laws of attraction but...

We desperately need federal legalization! As long as this is not a your back!!

Good luck to all of you this fall! May you harvest safely and discreetly.

my nightmare came close to reality tonight that left all of my ladies resting in peace :-(.

Picture this, I'm studying quietly and all of a sudden a coptor is circling my neighborhood shining its light within a few houses from mine (12am)...i jump to my feet screaming OMFG!!

I rush to move my plants (heart beating hysterically) and as I go to retrieve the last plant, the light shines directly on it, the light does not fix on it but passes it. I'm going friggin' nuts here and I panic. I put all my ladies to rest within 2 min, hacking away and the adrenaline is so high i don't even realize that i'm accidentally hacking my other hand in the process. I would say ouch but i never felt even a pinch as my hand gets mutilated from swinging a hand saw like a machete

WTF!! I've never felt the rush of anything like this in my life...IT SCARED THE CRAP OUT ME!!

Nothing to show for the time and love I invested in the last 7 months but a bare garden!

Just needed to reach out. This forum has taught me a great deal and I thank you all for the knowledge but unfortunatley in the end...I had to cover my ass. Said my last words to my plants "I'm sorry"..literally like they were people. Luckily no police or dea came forward. Quite a spook

This may seem funny to some but I wish this experience on to nobody. Even though i'm protected by the Department of Public Health, I knew federally I could still get charged. I've been paranoid about my whole growing project since I started. Don't know if I should credit this to the laws of attraction but...

We desperately need federal legalization! As long as this is not a your back!!

Good luck to all of you this fall! May you harvest safely and discreetly.


Are you saying that your garden was a legal medical garden under state law, but your sooo paranoid of the feds that you destroyed your LEGAL MEDICAL GARDEN!?!?!....HAHA goes to show peeps....don't even try to grow.... if your scared......stay in the house!! I agree, I think we need a change too, but if your that scared of getting busted, save youirself the time and money and don't even try it!!
California? How many plants? If you chopped them in literally 2 minutes I'd think not a lot. If it was in CA what would the percentages be your little garden was targeted? They have numerous large grows in the area to raid that look much better at the press op. Hauling away your small garden isn't going to put hair on their chest or justify the cost of an investigation. Were you infact legal, state wise? I don't know if you can save them but like the other guy said can't hurt to try. Place them in pail or bucket of water. Try to get them to root. Can't hurt.
word to the wise-

next time you do some stupid shit like that (and i say stupid because it was) think before you act. some of the things you should have been thinking of:

1. it is illegal for any law enforcement agency, including the dea to use remote sensory or arial observation of a private property or residence on private land without first obtaining a warrant. a warrant is not issued without proof of a crime.... so if there coming for you, in your house, with choppers, your already fucked, they have already done there homework, they already know what your up to (or at least think they do) and are just coming to make it official.

2. tampering with evidence is a no no... had they been coming for you, a tape of the view of you slashing your plants on IR from the chopper in the courtroom is all thats needed to ad an additional charge of tampering with evidence.

3. even if by the stroke of god you managed to somehow remove all your plants, where would you put them? a cut up plant in the trash is still, contrabrand my friend. they search trash to... as a matter of fact, they make an extra effort to look in places like trash, sewer traps (catch you flushing) a/c vents, all the little nooks and crannies your paranoid ass would go to, to try and get rid of something fast.

and finally, 4.- you say this happened in CA... so its a safe bet to say that, if anyone was in fact coming for you, it would have been the feds... and fed crimes = fed times.... the evidence tampering alone would have been enough to put you away for a nice long time.

think man. u gotta brain, use it!

now your out a bunch of plants... just like any other real life situation, going off half cocked never works out.
yea no shit...all of the above is true....I hate to see plants being wasted because of paranoia and stupidity.
Dude you just had a few plants there not gonna waste their time busting someone with less than 10 plants. Thanks for the good laugh though!
hahaha I'm sorry but yea, everytime I think of him out there in the middle of the night, scared shitless, tearing his garden and himself all up, I lmfao! The chopper pilots are lucky they didn't crash they were prolly laughing so hard!! I can see them too, goin," look at that fool down there tearin' up his little shit!!"
i am in CA...just minutes from LAX. i only had 4 plants....thank goodness i had already started cloning.

What the DEA can and can't do, i never knew. If they had proof i wouldn't know. i do know that my neighbor is a peace officer. I thought this might have something to do with it. She was the only possible neighbor that would have know if any of them. Oh and learn :(

the whole experience was just too close for comfort. with a light shining on it, all I could think was get those plants out of here.
dude stick with ur plant limits and stay legit follow rules,,i have the sherrif department park near my house and do speed traps and shit cause people like to race on the mile strech of straight,,i dnt get paranoid at all ime within my limit,,,do i trip of the feds no because they are not going to wast there time with a small scripted medical grow imo
4 plants is nothing i agree with wheezer the pilots were probly laughing there ass off if they even seen u
The copter was prolly chasing someone who ran from the police. If they were to raid you they proably wouldnt use the copter. and if they were scoping out your crop they would most likely do it during the day.
Last year, when my plants were at their biggest, about midnight my dog starts barking wildly & I hear this coming from my back yard "This is the police, were sending in a police dog, do not move!" WTF!

You talk about panic, I had a greenhouse full of 14ft plants! I look out front & there's 2 cop cars! One blocking my driveway, OH Sh*t!

I "DON'T PANIC" & bring my dog inside. I see flashlights in my neighbors back/side yard. They are looking for something!

Turns out my neighbor heard a noise in their back yard & thought it was a prowler. They never said anything about the 15' tall greenhouse busting out with ripe MJ buds!

P.S. I figured out later it might have been kids after my pot!
Last year, when my plants were at their biggest, about midnight my dog starts barking wildly & I hear this coming from my back yard "This is the police, were sending in a police dog, do not move!" WTF!

You talk about panic, I had a greenhouse full of 14ft plants! I look out front & there's 2 cop cars! One blocking my driveway, OH Sh*t!

I "DON'T PANIC" & bring my dog inside. I see flashlights in my neighbors back/side yard. They are look for something!

Turns out my neighbor heard a noise in their back yard & thought it was a prowler. They never said anything about the 15' tall greenhouse busting out with ripe MJ buds!

P.S. I figured out later it might have been kids after my pot!

Congratulations on a cool head!
Few years ago cops did that, "we know you're in there we have a police dog"...I was like so what I have a dog too or a puppy...I then immediately switch his subject by asking him what he was looking for in the woods. Then again I wasn't growing anything and that can certainly be the difference maker. Still a lot of you people are in CA which is much different than other parts of the country. Paranoia can become an omen.
Can you save them? You seem like a good person and I
hope the best. Also I hope your hand is alright.