Nike617's 600watt seedsman white widow grow!


Well-Known Member
Those are kinda small... I had mine in 12/12 since the 12th and they're 5 times the size..i'll show u some pics later.


Well-Known Member
yeah I don't know why they are that small? I moved them into 3 gallon grow bags. well they are bigger now, then in that picture. they are like 12 inches why do you think they are that small?


Well-Known Member
yeah now that I look. I really need to pit pictures up tomorrow. They are alot bigger then in those last pics. But I still feel like they should be bigger.


Well-Known Member
putting up new pics soon. The girls have grown ALOT since last posting of pics. transplanting the last girl into a 3 gallon tomorrow the runt of the bunch but she is still going hard. they are at about 15 inches tall now.


Well-Known Member
i'm stoked I found your journal! will definitely be checkin it out cuz my ww seeds from seedsman just popped open overnight. Crazy fast! just put em in wet paper towels and a ziploc bag yesterday about 2 pm, and already cracked less than 24 hours later, I'm already diggin this strain lol. Definitely gonna try some in DWC, got a couple plants in there that have EXPLODED! cant believe how fast there growin, so figure I could get a couple nice WW plants harvested before too long. not tryin to steal your thread, but stoked to see how it goes!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yeah dude seedsman ww is the shit so far. it looks like im going to have 9 colas on 1 of my girls and the other on looks like 7 and im going to check my small one. ill put pics up tonight so you guys can take a look.


Well-Known Member
oh wow what was your yield? and how tall was it when you took it out of vegg?
im still really curiuos about yield how much ill end up with my seedsman ww im growing under a 600 hps


Active Member
Thanks. Its still not chopped, the date in the pics isn't right. i vegged it maybe 2 weeks i think. she was a stretchy bitch, but filled in nicely.


Active Member
not really sure, it's my first grow and its just for my personal meds, I don't even own a scale lol, but they are very dense buds with little to no leaf, so i would guess maybe 1.5+ ozs. from that lady.


Well-Known Member
here are the new pictures lots to show week 4 of vegg

