Nirvana Blackjack Fem


Its like im growing a privacy hedge, real thick, i haven't cut off anything thats green, no topping either, i've got a slight tip burn on the leaves, and i think i let my lights get too close cuz some of the tips are burned and pointed up, nothin serious tho, i suspect im getting a little salt buildup in the media, im not sure that causes tip burn tho.
Heres some pics, thanks for tuning in



o yea, and based on the past, i feel the hortilux super hps is the shit, its really keeping the stretch in check, and growth really exploded when i put it in, got mine at for 50 bucks


Well-Known Member
lotta pistil action goin on there? We are neck and neck with our grows : D . this is cool!



sorry guys, just started summer school busy man, the plant in the back for some reason is further along than the one in the front, like the back one already has decent sized clusters, but the front one hasnt changed too much, any feedback on that fellas???
the far one is crazy, all of the sidebranches have fought their way up and looks like they're becoming colas, no topping of anything i should add


more pics, feedback appreciated, now just reaching space limitations, never had such bushy plants, they're finicky when it comes to nute levels, still just slight tip burn


3rd week, finishing up the first quarter, dont know wether the snow patrols kickin in or not, but the little bud leaves are starting to frost up. Hopefully in a week theyll be macro pic worthy.


Well-Known Member
ah nice, got good cam for some decent macro pics then i take it? cant wait for mine starting to form trichs, only 1 week into flower and really hairy allready. first grow is so exciting its unreal haha


Well-Known Member
sweeeet buds easy! Im just finishing my third week too and i dunno if its the feeding schedule or what but the leaves are starting to frost pretty nice at all my bud spots. These plants are so bushyyyyyy! i never should have done three in this closet ... thats okay. Ill know better for next run : D .



Active Member
Bumping to see if he will come back and report in, have two going in closet at 30 days flower so was interested to see how yours ended and smoke report so I know what's ahead of me! Are blackjacks indica or sativa predominantly, read both in differen spots but my leaves are more of a sativa thin and longer, but the plants low and bushy? Oh well in another month I guess I should find out. Also has anyone ever had one of two plants seem to be behind by lke 2 weeks even though flowered together?


Well-Known Member
still lookin for you and Dro man, where you guys go? we need smoke reports! my BJ's are a week into flower, just started seeing pistils 2 days ago. i want to know whats in store for me! Bud Pr0n! holla back at us bro, hope things are well =D


Well-Known Member
seems they are dropping like flies... dro been gone a damn long time done with harvest and curing and allready smoked alot of it and he was just a week behind me or so. he shoulda been done ages ago