Nirvana Blue Mystic and Short Ryder Grow!!!


Well-Known Member
Well I changed my res. again. It was clouding up so I figured that the calcium was building up and that's what was causing the PH swing. I looked at the plants and decided that they needed magnesium. So I added CalMag. at heavy feeding strength. And so far the PH is 5.5. I thought that the plants had enough energy stores to make it till the end. But I've noticed alot of new bud growth on the Auto Blue mystics. And figured they were using all of the Magnesium out of the water and causing the short ryders to starve. My ppm is at 1050 after the CalMAg is added it was 750ish before. Something of note is this is the first time I cleaned my res. for the whole grow. Thanks roachclip and thanks for the concern chief. Later and as always good growing


Well-Known Member
OK...I got some more root shoots these are of the short ryder that was drooping...I figured it was root bound. So I put it in a big bag. I don't know what will happen will see. Tell me what you think...and good growing :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Update!!! Ok I check the trichomes and they are about half milky on two of the blue mystic and 25% on the other two...the short ryder is clear and still mostly flat...I'll probably keep them on nutrients one more week and then lower to 300ppm and then a 3-5 day water flush. Tell me what you think and good growing. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Damn Icannabis, those babies are looking good enough to smoke:) I can help you test them out for the smoke report. I sure hope Joni is female because I want some more Blue Mystic.


Well-Known Member
Thanks chief you're the only person that really stayed with my grow. And I appreciate that...The BM are on the final stretch. Another couple weeks and dry&cure time...I did smoke some today one of the branches broke from the weight and I quick dried the buds on my ballast...and I must say you were right blueberry pop tarts...and I'm not worried about potency. Heavy Stoned!!! And you are welcome to stop by any time chief...:-P


Well-Known Member
Hey Icannabis, I know you are excited to get your girls done and cured. I wonder how the short ryder smoke is, they look good. Can't wait for the smoke report on the short ryder:) Some people get so caught up in their own grow that they don't come and support other people journals. I like the fact that you are using a Ebb & Flow system for growing and that you are growing BMs as well:)


Well-Known Member
No it's alright I understand other people do what they do...just given you the respect for sticking with my grow.


Well-Known Member
Doing real good...well there starting to look bad and yellowing and showing magnesium lockout...but that is normal. They are turning blue and purple like nirvana said. I'm going 1 more week full nutrient strength...then 300 ppm for 5 days and 2 day chemical flush then hang and dry and cure. I mean if the trihomes tell me that's the time. The plants are telling me it's getting real close. But real good I don't know what I'm going to yield I hope 2 oz. a plant maybe. :-P


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize how huge those Blue Mystics are Icannabis, damn man 2 ounces per plant is understatement with those trees. You should be able to get 3 ounces dry I believe, some of those colas look like they will yield an ounce by themselves:) I had one cola that weight an ounce wet and a little less that a half dry. It's almost time to chop those trees: The yellowing of the leaves are expected during time of flowering however, there's a deficiency and I'm not experience enough to tell what it is. How long have the BMs and SRs been flowering? The buds take their nutrients from the leaves so some yellowing when you're this far into flowering is expected.


Well-Known Member
Hey chief,

I hope I get 3 oz a plant I don't think the yellowing is serious but they are turning blue and purple. I checked them today and there is still new growth on some of the colas. I'm watching the trichomes closely they are about 1/2 milky on the plants so...And to answer your question I think it's 7 weeks or so. Man chief you can come by for the smoke report if I yield 12 oz from the Blue mystics...I'll give you 3 grams for the Yeah we smoked some of this the other day and I must say one of the best tasting smokes I've ever had and that was with a quick cure. And I think that one little branch yielded 3-5 grams. So I'm hopeful and thanks for coming and good growing. :-P


Well-Known Member
I'm definitely going to try and keep blue mystic in my weed pantry. That's why I got round 2 going:) One of those colas on your blue mystics look like it could weigh an ounce dry by itself. So yes 3 oz dry is my bid for that one plant with that big ass cola and the other one that was shorter but had several colas I'll go with 3 oz on that one too. Do you have more than 2 blue mystics going right now?
Hey chief,

I hope I get 3 oz a plant I don't think the yellowing is serious but they are turning blue and purple. I checked them today and there is still new growth on some of the colas. I'm watching the trichomes closely they are about 1/2 milky on the plants so...And to answer your question I think it's 7 weeks or so. Man chief you can come by for the smoke report if I yield 12 oz from the Blue mystics...I'll give you 3 grams for the Yeah we smoked some of this the other day and I must say one of the best tasting smokes I've ever had and that was with a quick cure. And I think that one little branch yielded 3-5 grams. So I'm hopeful and thanks for coming and good growing. :-P


Well-Known Member
Chief yes I've got 4 BM and one Short ryder...and the hairs are starting to recede into the buds so the thc content is going up everyday and soon all the trichomes will be milky and hopefully a few amber ones. If you want any information on what I do you can always ask chief. I think I'm going to grow full sized BM next time and go the full 12 weeks if I can't beat the curve. One thing I can tell you chief is instead of clipping the top cola can wait till you see the 3 shoot come up a little and break it and use a tooth pick and yarn to hold it up again and you will get more colas than you need. And it is less stressful on the plant in my opinion. Just lightly bend it till you hear a crunch and then tooth pick it and in two-three days it will be on it's way again but short and bushy or big and


Well-Known Member
I'm going with 10 ounces total dry weight for the 4 Blue Mystics. I'm jealous, you are going to have so much BM weed. I thought it was 2 BMs you were growing and you just took many pics of them:) Now I learned my lesson about topping autos, so I can try your technique out with the MKs since they are regular seeds. I don't understand "the 3rd shoot come up a little and break it and use a tooth pick and yarn to hold it up again" What is a shoot? Sorry, marijuana terminology gets me sometime. Do you have any pic of this technique?
Chief yes I've got 4 BM and one Short ryder...and the hairs are starting to recede into the buds so the thc content is going up everyday and soon all the trichomes will be milky and hopefully a few amber ones. If you want any information on what I do you can always ask chief. I think I'm going to grow full sized BM next time and go the full 12 weeks if I can't beat the curve. One thing I can tell you chief is instead of clipping the top cola can wait till you see the 3 shoot come up a little and break it and use a tooth pick and yarn to hold it up again and you will get more colas than you need. And it is less stressful on the plant in my opinion. Just lightly bend it till you hear a crunch and then tooth pick it and in two-three days it will be on it's way again but short and bushy or big and


Well-Known Member
Hey chief,

Yeah I'm talking about the main stem and the third node...or the 4th node...I've done both and it really depends on if the plant is stretching a inch between nodes. But what I'm saying is when the second set of true leafs and the third set come apart about an inch...lightly bend the stem till you hear a crunch and the stem is limp...don't let it hang. Place a tooth pick against the stem and tie it with yarn to the stem on top of the break and on bottom...or you could use scotch tape...I don't like tape but it will other thing to note is if you have a fan blowing pretty hard on them then be sure you tie it well and that it's not in direct line with the fan. If I have time I'll post pictures of a plant I did it too and of the process if that will help chief...oh and you can super crop with this method. And I'm sorry I was a little vague. Good growing


Well-Known Member
Here you go chief pictures of everything I promised...I scaled it up a bit so I could get good shoots. I know the plant looks terrible but it's one I did. It's an auto blue mystic. I put a lighter to show you the scale...this is the smallest one. But anyhow good growing



Well-Known Member
Hey Icannabis thanks for the pictures, they say a picture is worth a thousand words:) You are right, that technique will be less stressful than topping. It seems really easy to do. I will take some pics when I do it the Terrie or Tina:)


Well-Known Member
Update!!! Ok I harvested the smallest of my Blue Mystic plants today. I checked the trichomes and they were all milky and two or three amber per 50. I weighted the plants on a weight watchers scale so it's not 100 % accurate. I averaged everything down to the closest 1/8. This is wet weight too. I'll get another digital for the final dry weight. I don't have a functional digital scale my last broke. Sense this is all personal use I just want to write this in my grow journal...and I wanted to see if chief was right. I harvested 3.5oz or 113grams. Good growing and enjoy

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