Nirvana Bubblelicious Closet Grow

Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
OK so there has been some talk about my reservoir and I was concerned for my roots because of this. Well, turns out that my drip system wasnt on long enough during the day and I ended up air pruning much of the roots in the plants in the flower room. I have since turned water on full time and will leave it that way until at least the roots hit the water in the DWC resevoir.

Here are shots of the bad roots from one of the males I pulled.


You can see the roots in the rockwool are still healthy, just the dangling roots suffered.


Now, I was really proud of this next root cluster! This root ball came from one of the 2 plants left in the veg room, so I know I have things setup in here pretty well as far as the roots are concerned. :) This is the 5 week old plant's rootball during transplant.

5weekoldroots_med.jpg 5weekoldroots2_med.jpg

Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
Wow ok, so first of all I suck at this and expect 100% failure, but I am posting what happens in order to learn. Accepting all criticism, advice, and flammage, no worries. :blsmoke:

Alrighty, so I have a cheap lil botanicare 8 site cloner. I put 1 tsp of Liquid Karma in there and it holds 1 gallon of RO water. I also use a razor blade to cut and Rubbing Alcohol as sanitizer. Here are a couple pics of the setup:


When I cut, I do so right below two branches and at an angle. I then cut off those two branches, dip plant into the liquid karma water for 15 seconds, then dip the bottom into Rootech Cloning Gel.


I try to have 4 total branches left at this point, of which I cut one off from the lowest set.
I then place the plant into neoprene insert, and then into its small basket.


Here they all are in the cloner marked by number:


This cloner has an aerojet sprayer but its as useless as balls on a preist so I took it off. Now this pump just sprays strait up into the bottom of the lid and then the water shoots out everywhere splashing everything.


Here they are in the veg room now with a Humidity Dome over them. I turned off the 400 watt and put two T5 flouresecents @ 48 watts for 24 hours every day. I have sprayed them with some liquid karma foliar and also regular water spray at different times of the day and also spray under the humidome with water.


Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
Extreme Growth

Ugh, I moved these babies into the flower room at 22" but it doesnt seem to matter....they went up to 55" + within 2 weeks hitting the light. Here are the tops of the two females, I had to bend them over. :(


I bent the tops over last night and they rebounded in one day and were slamming against the light, one of the females got burnt a bit and I had to cut tonight. I tied string on them this time to keep them down for good. Pic 1 and 2 below try to show the ties, while pic 3 shows the overall string setup. Look close!


Too Early

I lollipopped the back two females a couple nights ago, and I thought it would be late enough to not contribute to the height issue that already existed. The plants grew between 3-5" a day the past couple days and I think this def didnt help!



Here is a shot of the flower room from a bit away to give a good view of everything! :bigjoint:



Elite Rolling Society
Fred, the most important things I have learned from growing, and about growing, I learned from my mistakes.
You are doing better than most first timers, so think positive!
You are getting it!


Well-Known Member
Freddie, thanks so much for sharing the cloning experiment. I feel like people don't want to show how much they suck at first... good on you. I've never tried to clone, but am sure it will be a trick to learn when I do. I really appreciate you documenting how your deal is working. I'll be excited to see how things come out.

Everything else looks great. That root cluster on the one plant is pretty boss.

Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
I dont think it gets much better than days like this one. Sometimes its the simple things that mean the most, like just a little damn time on one's hands to do what they wish.

Last night I had my final class of school for my bachelor's degree, and between my career and school I have had no time for anything the past 5 years; that is now all over though. :)

Today I broke up, for the first time, some bud from my previous white widow grow. The smell is sweet, the texture perfect, so I had to test it out. Although the taste of the smoke probably needs a couple more weeks, everything else is damn great so far. I have only had one bong hit and I am nice and stoned, and the bud I broke up actually came out to a nice amount which means my harvested buds have some thickness to them for once!

OK anyways, I also have a bunch of Patron, so today, and all weekend for that matter, is gunnabe good. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
flintstoner, you're doing a helluva job. like everyone else has been saying, stay positive. the girls are looking really good man. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Bro.... you finished school... like just today?


I'm so stoked.

I will now celebrate for and with you.


Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
][/COLOR]Fred ~ everything looks great! :clap:

Bluey, as always, thanks for showing the love. I am looking forward to an update on your journal soon :)

Fred, the most important things I have learned from growing, and about growing, I learned from my mistakes.
You are doing better than most first timers, so think positive!
You are getting it!
Roseman thank you for the kind words to say the least! Yeah I feel like I have an 'idea' of 'what I should probably do' at this point in my experience, which is a lot better than having 'no idea' as I have before! Your interest in my thread has been great, looking fwd to seeing you more often now on RIU. :bigjoint:

Freddie, thanks so much for sharing the cloning experiment. I feel like people don't want to show how much they suck at first... good on you. I've never tried to clone, but am sure it will be a trick to learn when I do. I really appreciate you documenting how your deal is working. I'll be excited to see how things come out.

Everything else looks great. That root cluster on the one plant is pretty boss.
Hehe, I have no problem showing 'how much I suck at first' LOL! :-P I will def keep you posted on the progress of my clones, in fact have a post I gotta put up on them next for sure. :)

I am totally on board with showing my successes as well as failures, its the best way to learn if I am going to be doing most of my learning hands on! Even if I get slammed here and there for doing it, the benefits always outweigh the annoyances. :bigjoint:

Great to see you stopping by still Jig!!!!!!

Very very nice job, those plants got huge. Cant wait for bud sites =]
Thankya Sir! Hope to see you around soon then, because they are starting to appear ;)

flintstoner, you're doing a helluva job. like everyone else has been saying, stay positive. the girls are looking really good man. :bigjoint:
Thanks a lot Never!!!! I think I am going to stop by your thread next and spread some of them positive vibes. :weed:

Bro.... you finished school... like just today?


I'm so stoked.

I will now celebrate for and with you.

Congrats on the BA!!

Thanks guys, its still sinking in :)

Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
It has been 8 days since I first cloned. I have been misting with RO every morning and evening, up to 3 times a day if time allows and keeping the humidome over them the entire time. I have been spraying with Liquid Karma once every few days. Here are the latest updates/results:

Day 2

  • Lost 6 out of 8 clones
  • Blackened Stem Rot
LOL wow, I know I am bad at this, but I think I just lowered the bar with that one! OK, I was foolish and reused neoprene inserts, so they were a little swollen, and they squeezed the stems too tight and the bottom of the stems rotted black and died immediately. This happen in 24 hours. I bent the inserts back and forth and opened them up wide, but it did not help like normal since these were already used is what my best guess is.

Day 6

  • Roots Sprouting on 1 clone
  • Very Mild Leaf Loss
  • No Yellowing (Go Humidome!)

Day 8 (Today)

  • Good progress on root growth with 1st clone
  • Last clone still does not have any roots
Well its looking to be a 12.5% success rate at this point, on a plant that still do not know the sex of. Hah! This is great either way as it has been simply another learning experience. Definitely wont reuse neoprene inserts that look swollen, and will make sure they are more flexible next time also. I am not sure what else might be hampering the root growth on one of the two final clones, but the roots are looking very cool on the other.

No pics, sorry! My nephew's first day of preschool and all, so his parents are borrowing the cam for the week.


Well-Known Member
Fred, you are inspiring on multiple levels. I'm hoping to buy a clone for the specific purpose of being a mother... then when she's big enough, I'll start my cloning journey. Thanks again for taking the bullet on this one... I know I'll experience better success than I would have had I not followed you go through the same thing.

No pics, sorry! My nephew's first day of preschool and all, so his parents are borrowing the cam for the week.
What the hell man... how good of a guy are you? I wish you lived on my street.

Speaking of which, you could own a 2 br/ 2 bth house in So cal for only like $70k. Shit is like 30 cents on the dollar. So how bout it... after graduation cali move, haha.


Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
WTF indeed.

This grow I moved the plants into flowering at the shortest height I ever have, and it doesnt seem to matter much!

I was not able to check the flower room during lighted hours for a few days and came back to a cluster F. The two females in the back that are starting to flower are:

  • 5 1/2 Feet Tall Now
  • Growing Past the Lights
  • Burnt themselves here and there
  • Developing black thin tips on leaves on the growing shoots. (even the leaves not close to the light)

Wow, oooooook is all I thought when I opened my closet up. I think 4 plants is too much for my grow space, and again they have grown way too tall also.

Actions taken last night:

  • Tied down over 20 growing shoots on top canopy (this looks cool with all the strings)
  • Canopy now 6 inches below light
  • Removed all dead leaf foliage
  • Cut away the burnt grow tips if they existed
  • Drained entire resevoir
  • Fed with Flowering Mix, etc...

When tying down, some branches are pretty long and I was able to train them to go sideways and curl back in, pretty cool. The main growth shoot of one plant though has been trained so much that it now makes a complete square hook back towards teh ground at this point. Now this I really wish I had pics of, but will still post them as soon as I get my cam back.

After a couple hours of work, I hope it was all worth it, we shall see!


Well-Known Member
I had one Thai plant that got over 6'. I tried bending the top and snapped off about 4". So it's still above the light and I'll see what happens.

You go Fred!!!!

Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
Cloning Update:

Day 9

  • Second clone has started rooting :)
  • Small yellowing occuring now on lowest leaves

Tie Down Update:

Welp so far not a single branch has broken from tying down the 20+ branches monday night. Growth continues but now its outward more so on the top canopy then upward, phew! Next update on this will come with pics for sure.

I leave town tomorrow until Sunday, so I gotta fill the rez up with some clean RO tonight. I hope the clones can make it on their own now that they have started to root (just in time!) but i have no idea....

I hope you guys have yourself a good turkey day with family you can put up with. :bigjoint:


Active Member
I'm still scribed ;) Don't know if i ever actually posted in this thread...but I was watching! (creepy, right? lol deal with it! you posted on a public site, lol)