Nirvana Bubblelicious


Active Member
Okay so I've gotten two strains from nirvana. Bubblelicious being one of them. Now I see people are growing bubblelicious so I don't understand why mine won't grow.

4/5 died with in 24 hours of sprouting.

The only one to make it is almost 3 weeks old and suffered serious nute burn (from distilled water corrected to 5.8 ph) it has 2 sets of leaves only and hasn't grown any for the last week. The 1 set of leaves left (the first set mostly burnt off from the distilled water) are now drooping from over watering maybe? Doubtful but it could be I guess.

My blackjack experience has been worse. 4/5 died with in 24 hours and 1 made it to week 4 of flower and is a hermi. What a waste of time and money.

Now I was reading bubblelicious reviews on nirvanas site and noticed 3 other people saying they just sprouted and died.

So I just have to ask why is everyones experiences with nirvana on these boards so much better than my experience?

Oh and I do know about plants. My veggie garden has had very little issues. Only nirvana seeds have had issues.


Well-Known Member
I bought a pack of 5 feminized auto bubblelicious from nirvana, i only germinated 2 and both are doing well. The only issue i have with the plants is it seems im going to have to induce 12\12 becasue im almost at week 7 from seed with no signs of flowering.

One of the plants grew very quickly while the other one took it's time and is smaller. Both obviously made it out of the seedling stage. You havent given many details on your germination process but here are some things i do.

1. if you are using rockwool as a medium you must pre soak the rockwool in a ph adjusted solution because rockwool ships with a rather high ph.

2. You can germinate your seed directly in the rockwool\soil but i prefer the paper towel method. (moisten a paper towel and ring out, fold once in half, place seeds onto the paper towel then fold the paper towel in half one more time and place into a ziplock bag for 24 - 36 hours.)

3. Once your seeds have cracked and are showing their spermies (tails haha) you want to place seeds into some rockwool\soil with the root tip down.

4. until your seedlings are sprouted and popping out of the rockwool no light is required. I keep mine in a dark warm environment for 24 - 48 hrs by then all should be above ground if not wait a few days. I do recomment a humidity dome but if you dont have one placing the rockwool in a ziplock baggy will do the trick. if you are using soil try placing a large clear plastic cup over the top of the sprout.

5. Others may frown upon this but i always do it and have never had an issue....Since you said you are using distilled water (should have a ppm reading of 0) i recommend 1/4 tsp of superthrive per gallon as well as 1\16 strength nutrient solution. After adding the nutrients and superthrive i have a ppm reading between 45 and 55. This seems to help my young seedlings along their first week or so of growth since distilled water has zero nutrients and most soils contain at least trace nutrients usually a ppm reading of about 100 from what i've seen personally. I grow using hydro, if you are using soil i wouldn't add any nutrients for the first few weeks.

Last but not least you're other veggies may be doing well but they aren't marijuana. sure they are both plants but think of it like this. A Honda Civic and a Ferrari both have the fact that they are cars in common. But you wouldn't put regular gas into a ferrari just because it's a car like the honda. You would put super +. My point is what may be good for one plant isn't always going to be good for another. I hope i helped a little!


Well-Known Member
Nuteburn from water PH'ed to 5.8? Unless you worded that unintentionally, I'd say the problem is on your end, somewhere. IMO, if they germed, it's in your hands, from there on out. If you fed them, that's probably what killed them. :)


im in seedling stage with some of nirvana bubbleicous its took about 3 1/2 week and there are 3 nodes but still only bout an inch tall, from what i read on threre not the best and a few have had problems but my seed germed and sprouted right using the paper towel and then jus thrown in some coco jus a slow grower i guess. im new to this really but if that many are dyin i think theres definately a problem with medium, watering, feed and maybe temps 1 other bag seedlin i had died after it sprouted wen i left it on window sill overnight