Nirvana Dissapoinment


New Member
Looking for advice. I placed an order for 12 seed packs from Nirvana first week of December, 2017. As of Jan, 18, 2018 I have received 1 package containing 4 seed packs. After numerous emails to AJ, I am being offered as a one time courtesy a shipment of 1 package with 4 seedpacks. This would complete 2/3 of my original order but not sure it is worth the risk now. I assume the 1 package containing 8 packs of seeds has been ihtercepted. Not sure it is smart to have more sent to same mailbox.
Also, does anyone know what the male gender symbol means on their seed packs? Of the 4 seed packs I did receive, 2 were marked ‘regular’ and 2 had the male gender symbol. I ordered 12 packs of regular seeds. I have previously ordered 3 times from Nirvana 3-4 years ago, all orders over $100 and all three received without a problem. Would you risk having them send another package as a courtesy to complete 2/3 of original order or just drop it, let them keep my money and seeds?
Durbanblue, I guess I wanted to stick with what worked in the past. I had three succesful orders from them in the past but that was about 3-4 years ago. Experience was always good until now. Things have apparently changed with Nirvana, not for the better. I will look for a US seed bank. Anyone with recent positive experiences they can recommend?

Rkymtnman, thanks for the info at least it appears the 4 of 12 packs I got is what I ordered, regular seeds.

Thanks for everyones help...
Durbanblue, I guess I wanted to stick with what worked in the past. I had three succesful orders from them in the past but that was about 3-4 years ago. Experience was always good until now. Things have apparently changed with Nirvana, not for the better. I will look for a US seed bank. Anyone with recent positive experiences they can recommend?

Rkymtnman, thanks for the info at least it appears the 4 of 12 packs I got is what I ordered, regular seeds.

Thanks for everyones help...
I can understand that, I order from green point seeds and Great Lakes genetics. I have great things to say about both these seed banks.
Rkymtnman, thanks for the info at least it appears the 4 of 12 packs I got is what I ordered, regular seeds.
you did order from correct? i've read that there used to be a fake nirvana site that tricked a few people
Could be your other 3 packages got snagged by US Customs.. I lost an order of Blue Mystic to them.... Your lucky they offer a partial replacement...
Thanks for all the help. Great forum here and a lot of help for a new member. I have decided to tell Nirvana to keep the 4 pack of seeds. I don’t feel it is worth the risk for a resend. I did not know they split up packages, wanted one package sent to me. Reduces exposure in my opinion. I will take the advice here and use domestic banks moving forward. Thanks again.
heard good things bout GLG seed bank placed order said received payment and processing last monday an still is processing is this normal?? placed order at seedsman a day b4 glg order I got seedsman Saturday?? An got my seedsofhorror order in 4 days awesome seedbank outta cali by the way,,
Oh god yes. I hated Foo fighters as soon as they came out.
never liked foo fakers either
Durbanblue, I guess I wanted to stick with what worked in the past. I had three succesful orders from them in the past but that was about 3-4 years ago. Experience was always good until now. Things have apparently changed with Nirvana, not for the better. I will look for a US seed bank. Anyone with recent positive experiences they can recommend?

Rkymtnman, thanks for the info at least it appears the 4 of 12 packs I got is what I ordered, regular seeds.

Thanks for everyones help... there outta cali
Dankteam not sure what state but there U.S