Nirvana ICE grow #2...


Well-Known Member
yeah but for the last week now i havent been able to load any. cant even copy paste any!? and starting today i havent been able to look at my threads ive started unless i see someone has commented on it.
So when you click 'view all subscribed threads' under my rollitup it's not showing up?


Well-Known Member
So here we are as of a few minutes ago. cant wait to top these babies.
which is what im most likely going to do. just one time for each of them, maybe 2 times MAX.
i know this ice plant can and does get tall so i know topping will help a lot. plus LST'n them will help.


and here are some yummy photos...mmm delicious.


got a couple all screwy there, but you get the idea ;) :peace:


Well-Known Member
Awesome man. They are looking too healthy :lol:. Update a link in your sig. I'll have some new ones going tomorrow. Might try one or two in one liter bottles.

Everything looks pro man. Happy Growing! Subb'd to the new thread. :D :leaf:


Well-Known Member
too healthy? lol :lol:
thanks for subbin, now that i can load pics again ill be updating daily. im putting a new sig as we speak. ;) :leaf:


Active Member
Looking great so far Big :-) Very pro looking pics and items that you have there :-)

I just cannot wait to see how the new bottle grow goes for ya ... Best of Luck :-)

MaineYankee :-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Maine, you're too kind. Lol. I'll have more pics today at some point. It's snowing and I'm as lazy as a tanned person on a sunny hot day that goes to a tanning salon.


Well-Known Member
Lucky is 80 degrees bro! Lol. It's in the 20s right now and supposed to get -20 tonight and -40 in the early morning.


Active Member
I feel your pain ( well not really Big) when you state that it is just darn cold out there. Here in Maine, so far we have been in the 40's and 50's and that is rare for us to have those kind of temps. A lot of my friends are still playing golf, despite that the courses here are all closed and have been for a month now. We will pay for it later this month, as well as the next two ... trust me ... it all evens out in the wash.

But ... Here in Maine, when they post wind chills, we do not count that as our temp. We just say it's cold as not to drive out the Flatlanders that come up and ride our trails. If we did use the chill factor, I am sure our Vacationland Status would go out the window !!

Happy Holidays !!
MaineYankee :-)


Well-Known Member

So here we are today. i noticed the yellowing on one of the plants and thought it could have been due to a def problem, but when i felt the leaf i realized it was due to the light bulb heat. Was too close to the light. so i re-arranged my lighting to a higher position and as well i put the little 6inch fan back in place. I also changed the water and flushed them real quick because its better safe than sorry! :shock:
I know the leaves that are yellowing on the one plant are the leaves that will eventually fall off first but i still wanted to appease my mind. :weed: