Nirvana - Need seeds? READ THIS.


Well-Known Member
how about this?

first of all..... I didn't know that this would cause such a problem. Like.. especially with people coming onto my thread and whining about what I did. If you don't like what I said.. keep it to yourself.

I have no problem with any of you.. or anyone else on this site.

So, I guess I apologize for posting this thread in the first place.

But, you should maybe put yourself in my shoes before you go ranting and whining about what I should or should not do.

That's all I'm saying... and for the record? This will be the last time I make a thread with this kind of subject...

I could just go off the handle.. and put some people in their places really quick like.. but I don't have the time.. nor do I care to waste my time trying to have a battle over the freaking internet.

Like I said.. I could go on and on... and probably piss off the people that are whining about what I posted. But I won't. Because it's not worth my time nor energy to do so.

So anyhow, peace ppl. I'm done with this thread. :peace:


Well-Known Member
dude i am glad that you got hooked up from nirvana.. but i really dislike that you come on to a website and blab how they managed to get your seeds to you.. very uncool in my eyes.. im not trying to slam you or anything, just that if i were to get some freebies from a co who is into some illegal activities and , thwanted to continue to have a good relationship with that company, the last thing i would be doing is posting in a marijuana grow forum like roll it up and telling the world how i got my beans shipped to me.. if enough people do this then they will no longer be willing or able to ship beans in this method as every manny moe and jack who works for the dea and who can read will now know their shipping methods, and will be on the look out for wallets sent in the mail..
it is cool to be excited and all, i just would have said that i sent them an email and recieved some free beans from them.. y not just tell us the address that they shipped them to as well?
and i would also never use nirvana seeds.. have mostly heard bad things about their genetics... the attitude is where i order from and get great service from them.. i order their stealth shipping method and no, i will not tell you how they do it as i would like to continue to recieve my orders from them..

Last but not least.. I really have to say something about this one.

First of all... I don't really like the fact that your coming onto my thread... and whining about shit.. Keep the whining to yourself.

Second of all... the fucking DEA has WAAAY more bigger and better things to worry about. Like people smuggling cocaine/crack/meth (the shit thats killing people left and right.. and getting kids hooked on the shit).

That's what they're worried about. Theyre not worried about someone sending someone else a little shitty ass bag with a few seeds in it. I mean seriously man...

Anywho, like I said im done with this thread... and! again.. I have no problem with anyone on this site. No prob what so ever.. we're all here for the same reason right? Right.

So to everyone here... :peace:
and go smoke one.

That's what I'm about to go do.


Well-Known Member
no prob.. i try not to be a prick like alot on this site are.. i know where ur coming from man..PEACE
nirvana ask that you dont tell everyone damn people be nice and send free gifts and you cant keep a secret this thread should be closed


New Member
I wonder how many ppl have emailed nirvana looking for freebies after this thread? It was cool of them to do it, but I bet they don't do it again.

I had one company send me an empty package for free, just because I inquired about their stealth. Their one condition was that I don't tell ppl what they did, because they would get a 100 similar requests...And they didn't even send any seeds. I almost feel bad for nirvana here.


Active Member
^^^ agree^^ the 1st time i went with them i got a stupid ass " IPOD SOCK & PUZZLE" but no BEANS! this time i'll get a wallet huh?...NO THANKS NEVER AGAIN..MEANGREEN.
I hate it when people say stuff like this in reference to Nirvana.

Check the contents of what they shipped you. Seriously, they say stealth, they tell you to check your package thoroughly as they place the seeds so that they won't get confiscated by customs.

If you're going to be ordering from a seedbank, read their faq page and don't throw away what they send you. It's hidden inside or even within the envelope. I've ordered from them several times and gotten what i ordered for cheap and in a timely manner.

Don't troll on a seedbank because you can't figure out what stealth shipping is.


Active Member
I used nirvana and asked for a freebie after I had made a good purchase of feminized WW, and I recieved an email stating if they gave out freebs they would have to jack up their prices overall and with the way the economy I would say thats plausible and just sat back and waited. I will not verify on the shipping method.

I will say though, in regards to ganjaluvr, dont sweat it you just got a little seasoning in security. Obviously shipping is prone to confiscation and the less the powers that be can see the better. Loose lips sink ships. Pick up your balls and see it as a lesson learned =)