Nirvana Shortrider Autoflower Leaftips turned Down- Am I doing Wrong?


Active Member
Hello, growing 4 plants - 5 week old short riders. about week ago two bigger ones started budding but one plants leaftips are wierd ( look the pictures) what am i doing wrong?

*I am using 2X125w superplant multispec cfl and 200w flowering cfl ( yes these *fucking huge bulbs)
*plagron light soil mix
*after a week of germination transplanted from germination kit to 11 L containers
*while transplanting I put quarter of soiltab and half of flowering tab to the soil(was *afraid of over fert the autoflower).
*watering with tap water. assuming ph arround 7.0-7.2
*ventilation on 24/7 temps from 27-31
*extra c02 (yeast sugar and water) inside the locker.

any ideas? its my first so i have no experience on my own...only thing i thought to be the reason is newbie mistake- maybe I over-watered them?



Active Member
Check the ph of the soil Should be around 6.5, then flush them (22l of ph 6.5 water for each pot). And maybe check the ph of your tap water, mine is actually 7.8-7.9 so i always ph it to 6.5. In any case I would definatley not assume the ph of my water. if you dont have an electronic ph meter( which are like 10$ from ebay by the way ) you should buy the test strips to have an idea. ph is the most important part of growing


Well-Known Member
that usually no big deal if it dose not prgress more than that.........and over watering makes the plant droop......... why did you mix the solitad and the flower tabe its ither or the other


Active Member
thank you for feedback.

for all the PH replies- I was talking to a local hydro/grow shop runner before setting up and in his words I shouldn't worry about the tap water PH in my area as I am using soil with normal PH and also soiltabs and flowertabs what atleast in paper "stablizise" the ph.. that's why I don't think it's this..

I put the quarter of soiltab closer(upper in the pot, closer to roots) when transplanting seedling and put the half of flower tab lower than soiltab.. and even then my main point was PH why I wanted to try so ..

Is it possible that the PH thing came out after started flowering? isnt that over or under feeding? just wanna find the right answer.. maybe somebody can recognize it as some relevant problem to autoflowers?