Nirvana Soiltabs and Flower Tabs + Subcools Supersoil outdoor grow


Active Member
Wanted some advice here on whether to add soiltabs for my veg outdoor in Roots Organic as my base and I have supersoil on the bottom 30% of my raised beds. Would my plants benefit from the soiltabs or should I just count on the supersoil to do the trick?

Was planning on maybe just doing the tabs on half of the plants...? Thank you!

Gonna be a total of 10 plants outdoor 2 Ice, 2 Blackjack, 2 KayaGold, 2 MauiWaui 2 SwissChesse
I have 2 raised beds 15' x 3' and 2' tall 5 plants in each bed.



Active Member
bro super soil is the shit when you start trying to reinvent the wheel crap gets messed up.. super soil will carry a plant beautifully the entire time till harvest . no reason to mess with perfection


Active Member
Thats what Im starting to get the feeling just leave the soiltabs completely out of it.

I mean want my plants to still get all the nutrients while they are still growing in the root organic base soil ya know.