Nirvana Wonder Woman


Active Member
Does anyone have any opinions or experience with Wonder woman? I have grown a few other strains from nirvana and had good results, but week 4 into flowering these wonder woman plants are quite a bit different from any of the others. They say the plant is supposed to be of medium height, but these are already lanky and over 4 feet tall, growing as much as 2 inches a day. I vegged them for 5 weeks, and they are growing in fox farm, under a 1000 watt HPS. They seem to be very healthy, but the pistils, and flower sites seem to be very thin and wispy. All four plants look almost identical. Any opinions or tips on this strain would be much appreciated.


Active Member
Anyone ???
Dang a month later and no one replied??? I gotta Wonder Woman and 6 clones about a week old. Clones have great roots formin gonna let em soak in the Aeroponics a little longer. Havnt flowered yet any yet. Have you found any other info about em yet? I just did a search specific to wonder woman and your thread came up. add me as a friend lemme know how they're turning out... Ill keep you posted on mine and let ya know when I start a journal...


i have wonder woman!

Ya we have had a few probs but i have pretty recent pics of her although we r growing in hydro. we have 2 of them and 1 is stunted bc of a fall... :( but she s looking great now! we have counted i think mayb 6 colas and she smells nice and musky! And all r pistils r fat and white tons of budding sites!


Active Member
hey guys im awaiting my seeds in the mail any updated info check out my grow progress if you dont mind advice is helpful! you have any pics? my threads entitled callinallcars


Well-Known Member
WW takes longer to flower,Her cycle is different.You could still top her,this will slow her up but thats ok just flower into the 10th week.


Well-Known Member
i grew and harvested one wonderwoman plant last outdoor season. was planted in a marsh area with very fertile sooil. did not fertilize nor water. grew very strong and harty. bud turned purple and with all organic grow got 3 ounces of some crazy shit. very nice smoke. dry for a week then cure a week and itl be perfect. im actually ordering 5 more fems for this season! happy growings


Well-Known Member
Check out the link in my sig to see some very recent pics of my wonder woman. I'm harvesting on week 11 which is monday. I managed to keep her exactly how I wanted her, shorter and bushy.