

Well-Known Member
that sucks in the midwest..i got my seeds from nirvana in 7 days 20/20 germination rate..i thought they were great


New Member
im in socal i got my masterkush seeds from nirvana in 9 days. i think Customs just picks random packages to open or screen that y some never get seeds and other ppl do.


Active Member
I'm going on about 3.5 weeks from Nirvana and 3 emails sent, with NOTHING in reply. I'm trying and I'm having faith...but it's rough.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Yes I had Fucking problems.... Last Oct. Order arrived. Inside the envelope was a small box of little map pencils, no seeds. since then, I use NL & The Attitude.
Just got a call from ATTITUDE-----they are sending my order out tomorrow---I sent them the order July 1st----should have the order July 11/12th


Active Member
This is what I am about to embark on, living in Oz with not much cash (to waste) Where do I get my seeds? (dont actually answer that) There seems to be some good choices but Customs are in between. So if you are empty handed after six weeks, Was it the seed Co or K.Rud.......
Will be following this closely


Well-Known Member
you guys look at legends,im telling you there the shit.theirs only 1 way to pay and its there in 3weeks, yes I went with gypsy and they were here in 2 weeks,I just like all that legends has to offer. I only here bad things about nirvana.IF home land security got your shit you should have a letter from them with green tape on it ,telling you they got your shit.


Well-Known Member

I recieved a similar email from them after the 4th week of no seeds. saying basically keep fucking waiting cause it takes a long time. Im on week 7 with no seeds and have sent them about 4 emails with no responses. my last email said... if no one responds to this email i will dispute the charge on my card and make sure to let everyone i know that nirvana seeds is a complete piece of shit and their seeds never ship or arrive and their customer service sucks ass too. I hope they respond to that lovely email.


Well-Known Member
Dope seeds.If you need fast order and 100% super store!!just best experience i have with him.Nice person ..Answer you every time .He have all kind seeds.Just dont be stupid and go visit hes on line store.;-)


Well-Known Member
also saw they raised there prices .........not sure if nirvana got new heads workin for them or wut but lots of people are sayin they havent got nothing from them thats odd............................:joint: