Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil


Ahh AI, I'm actually growing one outdoors right now for shits and giggles.

She's a fucking trooper though, disregarding the fact that she's an indoor strain. The plant withstood me neglecting her for about 3 weeks because I initially gave up due to her having white fly / spider mite infestations after a week of transplanting. But when she was still growing strong I decided to start helping again and got rid of the little menaces. I check up on her every once in a while to feed her her weekly nutes and I have to say I'm proud of this plant. 2011-08-02_20-27-01_828.jpg


Active Member
The first plant, the smallest one, weighed in at 40.1g or 1.43 ounces. BUT, I have taken numerous samples, so it was prob at least 1.5oz.

Smoke report is coming shortly- It's only cured for a week but it's already some sweet smoke. I can safely say MUCH better than my last endeavor.