Nirvanas Blackjack Is Now Growing In A Tree!


Well-Known Member
Yes you can grow year around but if you plant after June 21 your plant will flower as soon as it matures. Normally this is at a small size. Like 8 sets of leaves. All matters on strain of plant. If you are trying to grow monsters you need to be planting late February. That way your plant will go through Four months of vegatative growth and when June 21 comes around she will start to flower shortly after. I planted a bagseed this time of the year last year and harvested a total of grams wet and about 2g dry. She was a baby. STAY HIGH BRO!!!


Well-Known Member
damn bro i know i had 50 plants in feb until my rat cousin
Yeah man dont trust any one every one is a rat. Shit they might not even know it. Just don't tell any one no one can be trusted. Just look at it this way you thought it wouldn't hurt to show ur cousin. Then he thought it won't hurt to show some one else. Loose lips sink ships.


Well-Known Member
yup lol so post some bud pics?
Lol patience young grass hopper. It has been raining so much here that I havent been going out there quite as much. I think it is supposed to rain all day tomorrow. But if there is a peak of clear sky's I will make a run to her. Try to get some pics up then. STAY HIGH!!!
i have grasshopper problem too.tiny 2 inch grasshoppers are eating my plants. i need to make a frame and screen it and put my plants inside to keep them out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know what u guys mean. I really don't have a problem with them here. I did spray my plant with insecticidal soap when it was still in veg. But I cut that out when she went into flower. I dobt Know whether or not the insecticide is still on there or I just don't have that many grasshoppers here. I just know I dot get then


Well-Known Member
Hey guys yeah I'm still here the girl is still alive. It has just flooded back in her spot and it is har for me to get back there. With all the rain we are having I don't walk back there much tools some pics yesterday. And will share them later. STAY HIGH!!


Well-Known Member
Wow bro, way to still my ideal. I did the same thing back in 09. lol
Lol not stealing any thing and she is all reveging and shit so she is deff nothing special in my book. Next year we might have a bud in the tree grow off if you'd like? Lol

the russian man

Active Member
my plant is now 48 inches o.0 i havent seen her in a week i went to a christian camp and my plant started budding wooooooooot countdown now begins


Well-Known Member
hey man u still here? post some pics...
Yeah I'm still here. Thanks for tuning in once again. As for the girl she is still alive. But I won't be getting any smoke off of her. I went and look yesterday. And she has bud Rot. I don't really care as I didn't have any room for this plant so oh well. Stay high bro.