Nirvana's Ice, CFL grow


Well-Known Member
Took these last night while I was showing them to a buddy.. Also, I did a little more tying down while I had them out.. Got pretty much all the branches exposed to light..

Check out the pics..:joint::hump:



Well-Known Member
I decided to just focus the lights on one plant.. I chose the nice bushy plant, instead of the thin scraggly one.. I figure since I have to split the buds up 75/25 with a friend, I'm just gonna do it my way.. He says thing like "thats not natural, marijuana isnt meant to be topped, plants dont get LSTd in nature" and other stuff like that, pretty much talking shit about my methods.. So i like to change it up almost every day, just to get at him, lol.. I still have the other female, just gonna try to reveg her and take clones.. Gotta figure out a clone box first..

So heres a very new (from this morning) picture of my female.. Shes doing very well, I think..



Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4600580]Nice and Green :mrgreen:[/QUOTE]

I have noticed with this grow, that there isnt any purple stems like there was in my last 3 grows.. I'm guessing its due to using quality seeds now, instead of bagseed of who knows what.. That and I think Im more experienced.. It might have been some sort of deficiency before.. I'm pretty much on all that shit now..


Well-Known Member
LOL he came over today and I showed him what I was doing, and I ended up putting it back under the lights.. I do kinda want to see if the scraggler is the purple pheno.. Which would be great, but I just dont like how it looks.. It needs to start doin somethin..


A word of advice in the future if you didn't do this already with your home-made organic. It is ok to use soil from your backyard if you dont have anything else to use to be cautious because of disease and bugs so make sure that you moisten the soil from your yard, throw it on a baking tray and toss it in your oven at 250 for about an hour to sterilize it. Seems like you aren't having disease or pest problems so maybe you already knew this or just got lucky this time... Keep up the good work though! I used to use cfls too and had some awesome results but should def try to get ahold of at least a 400 watt hps if you can for your next grow. Makes all the difference in the world for both growth rate and overall yield of your ladies. Peace and keep it up man!


And incase you think i am a random newb making a post i am not. Sucessfuly done over 15 grows just new to this site. And I am sure that others will agree with my comments. Peace and good job so far!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.. I dont have any organic at the moment.. I had a male in organic and threw it away, cause it was a male, lol.. I was gonna do a run of seeds, but I dont wanna compromise the crop.. Dude I got the seeds from will keep hookin me up till I can get ahold of my own or start breeding.. However, yeah I will be making a batch of organic, but I wont be using dirt from my backyard.. lol..


Well-Known Member
Heres a couple pics of the "reflective material" I put up.. Its all I have for now..

Also, before I put this stuff in there, I took the plants out, and i'll be damned if I didnt snap off the two tops + fan leaves in the process of removing the scraggly plant.. Oh well.. lol..

pics, down there..

