Nitrogen burn or deficiency


Alright guys and gals I'm having a bit of an issue with some of the older growth on my plants. I think I initially burned them, but I have been having issues with older fan leaves yellowing out. Anyway the leaf problem has been pretty persistent and consistent since flipping to 12/12. It never seems to bother the plants that much and they just throw out new fans as quick as they loose them.

My flower line up is as such: (I have flushed and only given PH water the last two waterings)
GH Bloom 2/3 strength at the last feeding
Cal-Mag 5ml/gal
Sweet 15ml/gal
Superthrive 1ml/gal
PH is at about 6.5 after nutes are added.

I just want to get some opinions on why the lower leaves are doing this whole yellowing thing. I thought initially that it was mag deficiency, but if you will notice the yellowing is happening at the veins and I think a Mag def leaves the veins green while turning the outer leaf yellow. Anyway here are some links to the pics.



Active Member
I'm going to say burn. I just went through a N deficiency, and it didn't look spotty like that.

Also, in the second pic, you can see a leaf bent down when no others are doing so. that reminds me nute burn on my last project.


Active Member
yea you've overloaded your plants with way to many nutes, try flushing them and cutting back on how often you water with nutes.


Active Member
you got to go hydro bro. Looks like ur already using hydro nutes. The problem with using the soil is that u can never be sure of what the levels are at. Those little soil test kits are a scam too. I started off with 1 gallon pots of soil, similiar to what u are going, I always had the same problem, the exact same problem u are having. It is some hing related to a N burn like they said i am sure but I could never get it exactly right with soil indoors, so I do hydo now, and I kick myself for the time I waisted with soil. good luck with everything.


flush now, and flush every so often!
I totally agree with you guys, but what I don't understand is how it could be N burn. I didn't feed ANYTHING during veg, just PH adjusted water. And when I flipped over to flower, I didn't feed them anything with N in it. The last two times I watered I haven't fed them anything. That only made the problem worse. I've already flushed once two waterings ago. Don't let the pics fool you also. Not all the leaves are narcotic like the ones below, but the lower half of the plants are all showing chlorosis. The necrosis seems to seep in after a few days of the leaves yellowing. Also the bud sites and any new growth is totally unaffected.

Do you guys think that maybe they are showing early signs of Root Binding? They are in 3 Gallon grow bags. I intended to keep them here, but the breeders discription of the Afropips is BS and they are now huge.

Thanks for all the help guys I really appreciate it.