nitrogen def


Well-Known Member
ok im on the 6th week of flower and the fanning leaves are dropping of like nobodys business some are even a bit crispy, i run them out for 24 hrs last wkd,, on ~NFT hoping to sort out a little saltbuild up prob. thinking should i put in a little nitrogen or will that affect the bud weight even more?


Well-Known Member
what is your ph level? it might not be getting n because your water needs balancing. if not, how much are you watering


Well-Known Member
using nft hydro trays with canna nuts, ph is around 5.6 to 6.5 its nightshade im growing- 8weeker. checked the problem chart there and its definitly nitrogen def,. just heard before that a little nitrogen can help with this, or even a bit of the grow/veg feed. but on the other hand the buds havent put on as much weight as expected, im on week 7 day 1 . just thinking now i remember seeing a line of the toxic salt build up around the tray were the water was. wander might just flush it out again shouldnt do it any harm


Well-Known Member
using nft hydro trays with canna nuts, ph is around 5.6 to 6.5 its nightshade im growing- 8weeker. checked the problem chart there and its definitly nitrogen def,. just heard before that a little nitrogen can help with this, or even a bit of the grow/veg feed. but on the other hand the buds havent put on as much weight as expected, im on week 7 day 1 . just thinking now i remember seeing a line of the toxic salt build up around the tray were the water was. wander might just flush it out again shouldnt do it any harm
Definitely flush, if there is builup in the table then its on your media too. Dont give them N now its too late. It will abort flowering and just finish the way it is. Also its natural for cannabis to start dropping leaves at the end of flowering. Nitrogen is also what makes buds smell like hay and smoke harsh. Lamp


Well-Known Member
I disagree to a degree with lampshade. when u flushed, if you did not feed immediately you made the problem worse. if you flush again now, than you will make the problem worse. not much you can do at this point but it is very normal for most strains to yellow even in the presence of proper N amounts. a week or 2 to go, the only thing you can do is look at the trichs-if they are mostly clear with few cloudys, I mean few, than yes give them some veg formula. 1/4-1/2 strength tops.
it is during the first 3-4 weeks that too much N will delay budding. and you would need extremely high levels with light leaks to 'abort' budding.
if the trichs are cloudy with couple amber, than flush or dont flush it makes no difference.
all in all, you sound exactly where you should be. next time, dont cut off the N or lower the N levels until later in flowering, after the stretch


Well-Known Member
thanks lads good bit of information from all, kind of thinking now i should of give the tray a good clean down when i was flushing whislt taking out the old nutes, ive grown nightshade b4 and seems to ive had this b4 to the yellowing badly at around the same time- a know this happens naturally as its lacking n but doesnt make for a good or big bud, so i'll try a bit of n 1/4 or so into week 3 of flowering maybe, ive grown the likes of burmese kush with the same nutes trays light ect and have had hugh buds and a few yellowing leaves only, thinking of using carboload or something to boast it too


Well-Known Member
even easier-leave your veg nute schedule for the first week of flowering thancut your veg nutes in half add 1/2 bloom and in 2 weeks cut veg to 1/4 and 3/4 bloom than zero and full last 3 weeks. seems you have a strain that likes to be kept fed


Well-Known Member
thats a super bit of info smokey and thanks for sharing and taking the time, definitly going to try this. have u came across this before with some strains? that they like a bit of n for the first 4--5 weeks flowering


Well-Known Member
thats a super bit of info smokey and thanks for sharing and taking the time, definitly going to try this. have u came across this before with some strains? that they like a bit of n for the first 4--5 weeks flowering
most strains need a good amount of N during the first 3 weeks of flower which to me is the most critical time as the hormones change and the plant biochemistry undergoes major changes. you see many many posts about early yellowing in flower-prob the most posted item-usually b/c they switch to fast too bloom nutes that often do not contain the proper amounts of N needed. alot of growers start edging the veg nutes down and the bloom nutes up over the first month of flower. the 6th week is when you should see very slight yellowing of the oldest fans starting at bottom or sometimes middle to top. at that point, controliing N so they contiue to fade without fading too fast is the single biggest challenge in growing and gettin a plant to reach her full potential. keep in mind too that most often, the veg nutes contain the mg and ca and this needs to be supplemented as the veg nutes get cut out. dont understand why they dont make a bloom nute that contains the needed amount of mg and ca.
4th and 5th weeks as the budsites have already formed and will start to build mass is when I cut the N down to zero as possible. calmag has some extra N in it so that compensates for anything I may miss by cutting out. this is the time to up the bloom nutes to full strength. \
yellowing from low N levels will usually only speed up the maturation process and decrease ur final yield count, same smoke though.
all IMHO of course from extensive research and trial and error.