nitrogen defficiency or over watering?


Well-Known Member
ok well this is the 3rd day now that my lower leave things have been yellow and the rest of the leaves have been droopy. i thought it was over watering but its been drying out and its still the same way. and now the leaves are a little yellower and its still just as droopy. im not sure if stunted growth means it doesnt grow at all or if it means that the plant is just growing slowly. im also not sure about how fast plants usualy grow, but my plant is growing at about a quarter of an inch each day. i only have one 26W cfl on it, but ive also been letting it sit in my window sill in the mornings and im planning on getting another lamp today. ok well here are some pics, tell me what you think.



Well-Known Member
ok i know that im new at this, and that compared to most of the people here im retarded when it comes to growing anything... but come on, cut me some slack. wanna tell me whats going on?


Well-Known Member

i cannot tell you. wasent making fun. i just dont know.

ive never had a problem with seedlings like this. mine were always fine.

i need some info. like...what kinda soil you use? are you feeding it a Nuets? i hope not.


Well-Known Member
how are u watering...a plant that small i only mist the dirt around the stem....i dont start actually watering until a week in...

how big is that pot....i had a 1/4 gal pot and watered once a week...for a plant 2 weeks old.


Well-Known Member
im growing it with a 26 watt cfl lightbult in a 2.5 feet long, 1.5 feet wide, and 2 feet tall grow box. it doesnt get much air but i open it regularly. im not sure what kind of soil im using, since my friend gave me the pot and soil. but he has a plant going too and its fine. even though he is growing it in his window sill. im not feeding it anything but water, my friend had been using tap water on it, and i have some filtered water now but i am waiting for the rest of the water to drain through before i add any new water.

btw, the plant is like 2 and a half weeks old.

so sunny d, are u saying it is over watered?


Well-Known Member
Totally normal for those two leaves to turn yellow and die. At this early stage, over or under watering is about all you can do wrong. Don't sweat it and DON'T over water.


Well-Known Member

when you over water. or underwater.

usually a plant that small. i water it like once a week. as i do all my other plants.

b/c if you dont water all the time you can read the plant. say if i water once a week. and its doing fine then a coulple days later the leaves start drooping. i water it then the next day shes perked up again.


Well-Known Member
add another light,,,dont worry about putting it in ur window sill....just leave it under the lights....i wait until my pot is nice and light before i water again....

heres a plant a month in....3weeks veg and 1 week flower....

i vegged under 2-26w cfls and flowering now under a 250whps

I've never had problems like this,,,slight o/w maybe...,since its not recommended to nute soo early...i use worm castings either as a top dressing or throughout the provides the plant with nutes without burning it......


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Well-Known Member
wow nice plant, that makes me feel alot better about using cfls :)

and do u think it will grow fine if i flower with cfls too? and so ur saying that i should keep it under the light even though i only have one rite now? i mean i have another 26 watt cfl, i just dont have the lamp yet, i should by the end of today tho.


Well-Known Member
ya....then get at least one more 26w cfl....i only veg for 3-4 weeks, i use 2 lights under a homemade reflector.


Well-Known Member
should i make a reflector for mine? and if so with what? would foil be a bad idea? people tell me that white paint is 85 percent reflective or something and that tinfoil is only 57 or something like that, so i lined my box with white paper and ripped out the foil, but im not sure.


Well-Known Member
oh ok thats good to know, and what about the droopy leaves? is that from over watering?
Probably. If you took the pic right after you awoke your plant (turned on the lights) this could explain the droop too, depending on how many hours she was asleep.


Well-Known Member
ouch, forgot to tell you guys, im on 24 hour light cycles, ill switch to 18/6 tho, should i put it in the box rite now and turn the light off for 6 hours?


Well-Known Member
should i make a reflector for mine? and if so with what? would foil be a bad idea? people tell me that white paint is 85 percent reflective or something and that tinfoil is only 57 or something like that, so i lined my box with white paper and ripped out the foil, but im not sure.

ya...u know those tin turkey bins.... they're like a dollar at walmart....i cut 3 holes up top and connect 3 connector with 3 y splitters and had 6 lights on it....i had 3 of them though....

if u have the cash....get a hps...i added it to those plants 6 weeks in and i woke up with TONS of new growth..