Nitrogen Deficiency? - Growing in greenhouse.

dude plants looks good it does need (N) tho just buy MG plant food but start of 1/3 work u way up when it goes into flower sometimes the leafs go yellow as the plant takes away (N) it eats it self inside out get some bat poo dude that stuff if the dogs balls dude happy growing ps get a bigger pot u have a lot of room in ur mums greenhouse
ps get a bigger pot u have a lot of room in ur mums greenhouse
No drainage on that one either. I did consider transplanting but... Iv heard that you shouldnt transplant that late on. If i was to repot her, how on earth would i possibly do it without destroying my plant?

take a look at the pot, its bowl shaped, the plant wont just slide out. I wondered about smashing the pot around it but i think my mum would go ape shit cos its her pot. LOL bless her..

Anyway, what u think??


Active Member
You need drainage. I'd smash it and buy mum a new pot. You could also try drilling some holes in the bottom and if it cracks, then at least you save yourself the trouble of smashing it.


Well-Known Member
I was going to say that about the transplant as the pot is as you say bowl shaped!lol!

No drainage is bad in some circumstances, could lead to overwatering which you may have. I dont know if drilling holes in the base or side is that feasable. I have little experience of these situations where the plant didnt suffer a little. Maybe providing a little water often may be better from time to time to allow the soil to dry somewhat and definatly cultivate the top soil and inch or two to help evaporation of moisture from the soil.

Seems you might have problems here, maybe ferts are the answer also, can but try. There is also the option of cracking the pot open to release the roots but it might get messy and stress the plant a lot, no problem if not in flower i guess.

Just my thoughts, looks a big enough pot. Peace