Nitrogen Toxicity? (First Grow)


Well-Known Member
Lol reading steps one through 3 ...super cropping LST topping femming lollypopping, dwc, soil , distilled water , tap water , nutes burn , toxicitys , defiecencys, root rot , gnats , aphids, stink bugs , monster cropping. Low water CFLs . 8u CFLs , HP's , grow room open growing sog ...I've dealt with it all
Lol reading steps one through 3 ...super cropping LST topping femming lollypopping, dwc, soil , distilled water , tap water , nutes burn , toxicitys , defiecencys, root rot , gnats , aphids, stink bugs , monster cropping. Low water CFLs . 8u CFLs , HP's , grow room open growing sog ...I've dealt with it all
lol… you just said a bunch of shit to prove you know something.. its cool dude.. just tell me what you do for a living.. I work as the manager of a research and development facility for one of the largest fertilizer companies in the U.S…. all i do it test plants in soil and hydro allll day everyday day.. its my job to look at things like this and diagnose them..


Active Member
i just see foliage… no root rot
maybe a little fert burn. maybe even salt fox from the water softener we never talked about much…
are you insinuating he might have root aphids now too?
On the topic of salt tox. Is there really a work around for using well water if there's a load of salt in it?

Any idea what the absolute minimum size pot for flowering in would be? Mine are 2.5 gallon. I was hoping to try and finish them in these but I think they are starting to get rootbound

Sorry for using my thread as a general questions thread but it wasnt until this thread that I have actually asked anyone else about growing so there's a lot of things I'm curious about.
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Well-Known Member
I'm insinuating he has pest in his soil I didn't see them so I don't know what they are ... I know h202 and fungicide 3 and letting the soil dry will kill what ever it ia


Well-Known Member
I also know h202 will clean the roots of any bacteria or rot or damage he might have...hell super thrive might help too lol


Well-Known Member
lol… you just said a bunch of shit to prove you know something.. its cool dude.. just tell me what you do for a living.. I work as the manager of a research and development facility for one of the largest fertilizer companies in the U.S…. all i do it test plants in soil and hydro allll day everyday day.. its my job to look at things like this and diagnose them..
I grow pof for a living I guess I would say its more of a way of life tho lol


Well-Known Member
Pot rather...and yes au said a bunch of ahit to prove that I don't just follow steps one thru three I study marijuana health


Active Member
I know larvae and aphids feed on roots and carry disease to it
So assuming I treat my soil with H202.
How can I return some microbial life to my soil afterwards?

As for the salty water from the softener. I may have a solution. We do have a 3 stage Reverse osmosis system in our kitchen. I'm not sure how old the filters are so they probably need changing but that would do the trick right?