Man i germinated 8 seeds and freaking only 3 took a sprout through the soil wtf. the rest died off.. Such a waste of money
kinda disappointed
Idk man. I've heard about a 95% success rate with the paper towel method if used correctly. Plus, I don't know the quality or origin of your seeds. You gotta buy from the Attitude Seedbank --seriously--every seed has germinated from them for me when I've used the paper towel method--and that's some 5 seeds since I started using that method.
A few extra tips:
1. Keep your environment sterile. Wash your hands before handling anything.
2. Use distilled or some kind of high-end filtered water. For a safe bet you can buy distilled water jugs from any supermarket for under a $1 a piece. If anyone gets suspicious why you buy so many so frequently, say you have allergies and use a humidifier that requires distilled water.
3. Try not to touch the seedlings when you move them to soil--a good moist soil at that. Just let the seedling "roll" off the paper towel into about a 1/4 to 1/2" hole in the soil and gently cover the seedling so that it is completely covered with loose soil but no light is getting to the root.
4. Plant with the root sideways--so as not to hurt it. I find that planting it root-up makes it hard to take hold and root down is risky because you run the risk of breaking it or damaging it.
5. I know you're not running HIDs but don't but seedlings under some high-end 400w digital light. CFLs are great for seedlings.
6. Use a few layers of paper towel and put them in a ziploc bag--saturated but not dripping and not just moist. Open the bag everyday to air it out. I like to pull the paper towel off and put it back on the seeds. After 2-3 days, re-wet the towel with (again) distilled or purified water.
7. Make sure the paper towel fully encapsulates the seed--i.e. making contact with all of its surfaces. One should be able to make out the seed under about 3 layers of paper towel so the water really permeates the shell of the seed.
Good luck. Maybe I'll post pics of my paper towel technique for my next grow because I don't seem to have these problems.
That sucks man--good luck next time.