No. 1 Grow Auto Blue Mystic (Nirvana) [Cabinet] {CFL}, Hydro; |Wicking|


Active Member
Went ahead and transplanted everything, the new root growth that is going to happen will certainly benefit the blue mystic and dark basil. Ive also got my broccoli and spearmint in there now (i think, forgot to label might be cilantro XD)

Day 14 From seed 9pm( will take another photo at around 1am just because I dont work tomorrow)

If you have noticed, I've picked off more sweet basil. Only the best of the best remain. I did save the tiny leaflets I could scavenge from the not-so-hot sweet basil.

Looking at July 29th for my harvest day (Blue Mystic). Then the drying beings :)


Well-Known Member
you need to back up on your lights they are too close, you will get better results, trust


Active Member
CFLS are 2 inches away, I believe thats the proper zone. The light burns occurred during light adjustment, not because of fixed placement. Also, I dont want to cause much stretch.


Active Member
Day 15 1:20am
Did a bit of Foliar feeding, noticeable improvement.
(Before Feeding at 7pm)View attachment 2206525(After Feeding at 1am)tumblr_m5dz5m3WiA1rsopteo2_1280.jpg
Pay close attention to leaf nearest to lens straightening. Also the leaf to right of photo loses some brown spots.

Also, here comes something.

Ive done quite a bit of reading up on what the best light cycles are. I've decided to bring it down to 18/6 from 20/4 (originally 24/0). I also plan on purchasing some photo-period based strains and vegging them from sprout at 12/12 essentially forcing them to flower asap and remaining small.


Active Member
With Autoflowering you can have 24/7 lighting? :eyesmoke:
Yeah, autoflowering strains go by an internal clock for their flowering. They can grow in anything from 12/12 to 24/0. I've been reading up quite a bit however, and most agree that for "productive" flowers you will need to let the plant sleep. I haven't verified this myself yet, when I have more seeds at my disposal I will start experimenting.

Ohhh. Those red hairs make a harsh smoke XD. They call it "fire" for a reason :P, good shit though. I'm thinking about growing some Ice or Northern Lights.


Well-Known Member
telling you lights are too close, you are stressing the plants from the pics i see, 2 inches is not the optimal zone because the cfls will only focus on one small direct spot, and not cover a wider area. im just giveing you a heads up before you run into more problems


Well-Known Member
^^^^^you should listen to this man...........40w cfl's give of serious heat at two inches away....they were showing signs of heat stress before you burned them......


Active Member
Also took the initiative and cut off the biggest fan leaves they were all beyond repair and it was hurting new growth. The new growth is now green instead of yellow. I was also experiencing some Potassium deficiency, lowered my water ph with some vinegar and lessened nutrient amounts to help with plant absorption.


Well-Known Member
Subbed to this cause i'm researching this strain, growing it now and have stunting I will gladly follow:) Vinegar is a temporary and not effective at lowering the ph of your medium long need phosphoric acid (main ingredient in ph down products) and ill tell you how to get a lifetime supply for fifteen dollars !!!(hint it sold at home depot ha)


Active Member
Now that I have a few people watching the thread, I almost want to hold back pictures XD! Alas, I cant help but share.
Day 12 from sprout
tumblr_m5hgedZx3R1rsopteo3_1280.jpgHoping the decisions I've made will give me safe passage to harvest.

This fucking sweet basil is laughing at the blue mystic, honest. Look at this beast.
Dark Basil (also recovering from heat stress)
(Not sure what this one is HAHAHA)

Thread has reached over 1k views. Good times.

C Cat

Well-Known Member
Ahah Idk why but that last plant made me laugh,Everything is lookin good! Keep it up!

~C That Cat?:dunce:


Active Member
I'm feeling very empowered by recent changes in how I feed my plants.

I'm using much less nutrients. I never had heat stress, the only burns were caused by the light physically touching the plants during some movement. What I had, was chemical burn.

What clued me in to this? The fact that my plant was showing signs of Potassium deficiency clued me in on the fact that I had far too much Nitrogen and Phosphorus going into the plant causing both a chemical burn, and Potassium lockout.

I cut my already drastically reduced nutrient regiment from 1/4 recommendation to 1/8 recommendation( meaning what they suggest on the nutrient bottle). I also paid much closer attention to the FLUCTUATION of my water PH.
So, ive started mixing DAILY feedings instead of WEEKLY.

This allows me to give the perfect PH for that day.

The secret to hydroponic wicking, daily feedings.

Pictures later on tonight, once my plants get a bit of todays "sun" (7:11pm-1:11pm is my plants "daytime")