No Charges for Cops Who ‘Accidentally’ Fired 107 Bullets at an Innocent Mom and Daughter


Well-Known Member
Exposing the double standard between police and civilians, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced Wednesday that no criminal charges will be filed against the eight LAPD officers responsible for nearly killing an innocent woman and her daughter. Although the cops ambushed the unarmed women without warning and fired over 100 bullets without provocation, the district attorney justified the case of mistaken identity due to the fact that the officers involved were afraid and incompetent.

At 5 a.m. on February 7, 2013, Margie Carranza and her mother, Emma Hernandez, were delivering newspapers throughout a residential neighborhood in Torrance when eight LAPD cops suddenly opened fire. As Carranza suffered cuts from the flying glass, Hernandez was shot twice in the back while trying to protect her daughter. One bullet exited just above Hernandez’s collarbone, while the other bullet struck her lower back, near her spine. A fragment of shattered glass also flew into her eye.

After firing 107 bullets at the innocent women, the LAPD cops ordered them out of the vehicle and immediately realized their mistake. Instead of a 33-year-old black man, two Hispanic women exited the pickup truck and demanded to know, “Why did you shoot at us?”

Instead of rendering first aid or even apologizing for the act of attempted murder, the officers called for paramedics while refusing to offer any explanation for the ambush. Awakened by the gunfire, residents emerged from their homes to find their vehicles, houses, and front doors riddled with bullets. With five bullet holes in the entryway to his house, one neighbor asked, “How do you mistake two Hispanic women, one who is 71, for a large black male?”


Well-Known Member
"They were coming right at us with their machine guns blazing" I can hear it now.... dumb fucking cops, where's the training? Drug test these assholes (the only people that need testing) and charge them with attempted murder. JFC! Oh yeah, no paid vacation days for these pigs.


Well-Known Member
I complained about asSholes like him in my state in another thread. He's exactly the corny stereotype I was typing about. He lIves in a dangerous cultural shit hole but won't raise taxes for education. Saves tax money for new boat while house gets broken into. Complains about social safety net programs.
Complains about progressives changing everything but is ok with crime and shitty schools staying the same.

My girlfriend's old boss for example. What a tool!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I complained about asSholes like him in my state in another thread. He's exactly the corny stereotype I was typing about. He lIves in a dangerous cultural shit hole but won't raise taxes for education. Saves tax money for new boat while house gets broken into. Complains about social safety net programs.
Complains about progressives changing everything but is ok with crime and shitty schools staying the same.

My girlfriend's old boss for example. What a tool!

It's interesting to note the differences between an education and an indoctrination.

One could be said to feature a spontaneous search for truth and knowledge, without force being in the mix.

The other could be said to feature systemic force, featuring state worshipping dogma.

The first is what would happen in a free market, the second is what happens in the design.


Well-Known Member
Are these 8 retards at least getting fired for fucking up and almost killing two people at least?

If not, why not? They didn't mean to do it, but they did it and that still counts. One time I fucked up pretty bad while on the job and it cost me a couple hundred dollars to fix, so why are there no consequences for fucking up on the job for police officers?


Well-Known Member
Are these 8 retards at least getting fired for fucking up and almost killing two people at least?

If not, why not? They didn't mean to do it, but they did it and that still counts. One time I fucked up pretty bad while on the job and it cost me a couple hundred dollars to fix, so why are there no consequences for fucking up on the job for police officers?
Accountability. Apparently it's just for citizens, not civil 'servants'.


Well-Known Member
Actual combat solders, who know that motherfuckers are there, on purpose, to kill them, are held to a higher standard, with less pay, more risk.
Yep. We're not solving this problem without a complete overhaul of police accountability, which frankly starts a lot higher up the food chain of civil 'service' than the police department.