No Class Monkey Boy

King Bong

New Member
B. Hussien visited the WTC Memorial along side the McCains on 9/11.
While the McCains respectfully knelt at the site and gently laid down single roses as tributes, Obama just tossed his rose like some kid tossing a penny into the fountain at the mall.
If he were Prez (which he will never be) I imagine Obama would do the yearly honor at the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier by doing a diddly-bop-doo wop dance up to the site while a giant boom box on his shoulder blared some James Brown song, or maybe Rev. Wrights "Goddamn America!" speech.
You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear and Obama is a no class pig.


New Member
B. Hussien visited the WTC Memorial along side the McCains on 9/11.
While the McCains respectfully knelt at the site and gently laid down single roses as tributes, Obama just tossed his rose like some kid tossing a penny into the fountain at the mall.
If he were Prez (which he will never be) I imagine Obama would do the yearly honor at the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier by doing a diddly-bop-doo wop dance up to the site while a giant boom box on his shoulder blared some James Brown song, or maybe Rev. Wrights "Goddamn America!" speech.
You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear and Obama is a no class pig.
Jackson? Sharpton? Med?...........................:fire:

Aslan King

Active Member
Right! Like 9/11 hasn't been trivialized and commercialized enough. How can you respect a day that signifies the taking of our rights like never before. Led to an unjust war. Been used to keeps us in fear as our country has been pilaged.


stays relevant.
My interest in this thread died the moment I saw that King Bong doesn't know when to use his enter key.


King Bong

New Member
I guess I should have said, you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.

Yes, yes, you've lost SO MANY of your rights haven't you? My, how your daily life has been affected by losing all those rights. How you manage to go on with the loss of all the rights is truely brave!

"Unjust war"?? LOL. Well your "unjust war" is done in Iraq (Mission Accomplished) and now the "unjust war" is moving to Afghanistan. Amazing how this "unjust war" goes on for 7 years despite your whining, eh?
Maybe your Monkey Boy will win and get us out of this "unjust war" and give you all those rights back.



New Member
B. Hussien visited the WTC Memorial along side the McCains on 9/11.
While the McCains respectfully knelt at the site and gently laid down single roses as tributes, Obama just tossed his rose like some kid tossing a penny into the fountain at the mall.
If he were Prez (which he will never be) I imagine Obama would do the yearly honor at the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier by doing a diddly-bop-doo wop dance up to the site while a giant boom box on his shoulder blared some James Brown song, or maybe Rev. Wrights "Goddamn America!" speech.
You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear and Obama is a no class pig.
What tripe you spew, you sound like a rascist Whoremonger

Aslan King

Active Member
I guess I should have said, you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.

Yes, yes, you've lost SO MANY of your rights haven't you? My, how your daily life has been affected by losing all those rights. How you manage to go on with the loss of all the rights is truely brave!

"Unjust war"?? LOL. Well your "unjust war" is done in Iraq (Mission Accomplished) and now the "unjust war" is moving to Afghanistan. Amazing how this "unjust war" goes on for 7 years despite your whining, eh?
Maybe your Monkey Boy will win and get us out of this "unjust war" and give you all those rights back.
I won't even waste the time. You got it Big Dog. One day you may find I did not do you a favor here.

King Bong

New Member
Ahh yes, "the old racist-whoremonger" routine. Very good.

You guys had your "Monkey Boy" fun with Bush for 8 years. Now you have a REAL Monkey Boy in Obama. Or is he a chimp?

Certainly! Rush. Mark. OF COARSE!

Got any more leftist buzz words left?



New Member
This King Bong guy is a fucking joke. I hope he's the first guy to set foot on Russian soil. Kaboom, see ya, wouldn't want to beee ya. Where do all these haters come from? white sheets anyone.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Right! How can you respect a day that signifies the taking of our rights like never before.

king bong is 100% right minus the racial inuendos

what right have you lost?

how has you life been effected?

i mean u sit here and talk openly about illigal activity and the govenment cant even trace u by law.

quit making shit up to bitch about


Well-Known Member

BAREFOOT BAY -- A sign in one Barefoot Bay yard is stirring up a controversy.

Neighbors of Andy Lacasse say the sign, which says "OBAMA HALF-BREED MUSLIN [sic]" breaches the fine line between free speech and inappropriateness.

"I got nothing good to say about Obama," Lacasse told News 13.

Lacasse put the sign in his front yard four days ago.

"If I see anybody touching that sign, I got a club sitting right over there," Lacasse said.



New Member
Yeah, the ignorance is rampant. Muslin? isn't that some type of cloth? So a half breed muslin would be two different types of cloth blended together, right? Break out the white sheets. I thought the Mods were supposed to jump on rascist posts, what's up Mods???

King Bong

New Member
Amazing how "the enlightened one's" are always limiting speech and words, eh? Those who claim they are for freedom. Leftist hypocricy.
Indeed BigP. These people sit around and smoke pot, grow pot, deal pot, have seeds sent thru the mail, then complain about how their "freedoms" have been taken away and how repressive the govt. is. LOL. THEY are the one's who think it's cool having a black prez just because he's black, then they call me racist.

Medicine: What we call "corn" you call "maize", is that correct?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, lets all profit from 911 some more, and continue to drag it through the mud.Not everyone has to "grieve" in the same way.What's with the racist commentary?Can't you bring Obama down without bringing skin into play?
B. Hussien visited the WTC Memorial along side the McCains on 9/11.
While the McCains respectfully knelt at the site and gently laid down single roses as tributes, Obama just tossed his rose like some kid tossing a penny into the fountain at the mall.
If he were Prez (which he will never be) I imagine Obama would do the yearly honor at the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier by doing a diddly-bop-doo wop dance up to the site while a giant boom box on his shoulder blared some James Brown song, or maybe Rev. Wrights "Goddamn America!" speech.
You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear and Obama is a no class pig.