No COTILY's!! COOL FERN looking new sprout with growth on stem. Is this unusual?


These pics are from my buddy in Arizona. He is not much for computers and he is a newbie grower with a prescription card trying to grow his own medicine.

Plant popped off its shell and was 1/2" tall FEB 13, 5:00am.
I have never seen this type of growth. There are no cotilydons. It has fern like leaves growing for first set of leaves. Looking down at the bottom of the stem, you will also see a light colored growth? What the hail is that?

He also has a kinda sick looking deisel sprout. He was wondering if plant is ok.

Plants are growing in a walmart bought starting mix, (made by NK) ingredients are....Sphagnum peatmoss, horticultural vermiculite, perlite and an organic wetting agent.
Lights ....2 x 4ft. 6500k cfls and two corly 6500k clamp lights.
Temp .....84 degrees during 18/6 lightcycle, it eventually drops to 64 degrees by lights on.
Water.....Well water, no water softener.
No nutes.
I will provide more info if needed for any help.

Thank You

Does this medium require any ferts?



New Member
it looks like its big enough to photosynthesize, so youll be ok.

ive had a plant come out with one of the cotyledons, but never missing both.


Active Member
Looks fine too me...Give it time...and dont use well water unless you Reverse Osmosis it first. That shit is so high in salt and iron it will put your plants in Nutrient lock...


Active Member
is it really? why is that? i thought well water was supposed to be pure?
It really depends where you are. But ever wonder why people with well water have hard water stains in their tubs and sinks. High iron content. Well water is safe to drink and all, but not that great for plants imho....


New Member
It really depends where you are. But ever wonder why people with well water have hard water stains in their tubs and sinks. High iron content. Well water is safe to drink and all, but not that great for plants imho....
thanks for the info about well water. it is true that humans need more iron than plants.


Well-Known Member
Best thing to do with seedlings is leave them alone. As long as they are green, they'll be OK.


Well-Known Member
No topping just training. Once it starts to branch i just tie the main shoot down till the side branching catches up to it then untie it and let it do it's thing. And bmeat if you check i think you'll find that plants really don't like sodium to well. Navyfighter 04 i just live in the northern part of Indiana


New Member
i understand, salt is a harsh base.

i go organic, so the sodium i use is in the ground up fish.

i like training but i dont think i like topping.


Well-Known Member
You said sodium, there are many types of salt not just sodium and you know it takes 2-3 months for the fish to break down to be usefull as a fertilizer


New Member
really? do they grind up the whole fish, bones and all? if so thats great!

i buy it already emulsion. 2-2-2

shits strong. burnt my plant with it before.


Well-Known Member
you know the indians showed the white man the trick of putting a fish in with there corn for fertilization