No crystals


Active Member
I have 3 plants flowering for about 6 weeks now and they have no crystals showing well they do but really small y is this they are under 600w hps and in soil they are very good size but no crystals
any help


Well-Known Member
you either have a shitty strain....a slow flowering sativa or your environment is all jacked up causing them not to produce a lot of trichomes. Too high or low of temps and too high or low of humidity can cause slow trichome production. More info is needed to properly diagnose though...

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Do you have a pump up sprayer. I spray my plants with res and fresh water. Usually just before the lights go out.


Active Member
temp is 27-28 degrees humididty aboput 40 percent and not sure of them strain they said 8 to 9 weeks when do the crystams usually come out?


Active Member
can anybody help me out here its my first time invested alot of money in this and so far dont see no results when do crystals start forming mmostly


Well-Known Member
Do you have a pump up sprayer. I spray my plants with res and fresh water. Usually just before the lights go out.

for real ?
I mean you spray flowering plants ? and before lights go out ? dont you get mold/funges or sumthing ?
evry place I read or ask .. evrybody tells me to stop spraying/foila feeding once they are in flowering (atlest 2 weeks in)
and all say that you schould do it before light get on so they have all day to dry (atlet not just before light go out)

that is atlest what I have been told ..


Active Member
for real ?
I mean you spray flowering plants ? and before lights go out ? dont you get mold/funges or sumthing ?
evry place I read or ask .. evrybody tells me to stop spraying/foila feeding once they are in flowering (atlest 2 weeks in)
and all say that you schould do it before light get on so they have all day to dry (atlet not just before light go out)

that is atlest what I have been told ..
thought the same here, as far as iv been able to tell its generally a very very bad idea. *got my confused face on*


Well-Known Member
yea ..

one thing I did found out (joining this forum/reading other forums) is that you get many diffrent answers ..
so I dont use this forum (or any) for instructions to follow 110%

use it to get some help to find out what the problems could be or how you could find out ..
and then use your own logic and use what ever advice that seems mostlikely .. in the end I guess thers only one way to realy learn .. learn by doing it ..

other day one person in here toald me to keep my 600W HPS 3 inches away !!!! and he did know I did`t have a cool tube ..

so becarefull .. some might just be nubs and some might just be overhelpfull with out realy knowing what they are talking about (remember most Ppl in here is as you .. who say they know more just Bc. they answer your post) but some also seems to give realy bad advice out .. dunno what he was thinking ?

best of luck ..


Active Member
I like to think of this site as a place to get second opinions. you dont necessarily have to take the advice but its nice to get different view points.
even if now and again that viewpoint is out of someones arse.
End of the day your the one looking at your plants from every angle, know their foibles as they grow, know when their happy and know when you piss them off.

As for OP question 'don't panic' as a great book once said.
Iv got a plant that you cant see the stem for hairs and bud but no crystals and its been flowering for 2 and a half weeks.
But i know it will show.
Its the second time im flowering this plant (unknown strain, bagseed) and it did the same last time.

good luck to the OP :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Of course you (I) spray just before lights ON. It never ceases to amaze me regarding the BS answers you can find on RIU

Now to your main question: I was using DM Gold for 3 grows and thought I was happy, but noticed not much trich production. I thought it was strain related.

A couple weeks ago I started testing Hydroponic-Research VEG + BLOOM on 2 totally different systems, in different rooms, under different lights. In both cases bud size and trich production has increased 3-5Xs more. This morning I switched out the 3rd rez. This should be a really good test.

Got a journal if you want to follow along.


Active Member
Some sativa's and mixes do not have a high calyx to leaf ratios, Iv'e some mekong with very little pistils at all and very little trichome build-up, So for j-pockets, this does not mean you have a shitty strain or jacked enviroment. The way a plant displays is strain specific. When you grow something new that yu are not familiar with you shouldn't assume. Mekong can look like a hollocost victim during bloom and not very impresive trichome build. But..... I've seen alot of people out on the lawn retching there guts out after a bong hit or two of this stuff, even the most hardened head will be plenty fuckered up by this strain. Not a good thing for the beginer. We call this one "wretch". Clones are working now and I plan to write a thread on this very interesting topic when I move them to bloom. Not all potent pot looks like frosted flakes.


Active Member
Misting and going dark is a poor idea, you might be getting away with it now, but eventually a single microscopic spore will find its way into your grow, either from your shoes, clothes or just float in on the breaze, This KILLERS name is Fungus Botrytis, It is all over the world you breath it constantly. you have just been fortunate. that it has not found it's way into your grow and taken hold, you won't get rid of it without hardcore fungucide. Folliar feeding isn't all that is made out to be in the pot culture mist in the evening,,,, mold. Mist when lights are on, light burn. It is the most direct way to overdose your plants. and actually prevent flowers from forming at the node sites when you accidently mist them. just saying .......You might be the reason why no pistils are growing on your flowers, you could be frying them before they form, or it could be what I mentioned above in post #17, everything to do with growing pot is strain specific, and often times that varies plant to plant.

Probably I'm not the only grower that disagrees with foliar feeding marijuana, just not worth the risk, especially for the inexperience pot farmer.


Active Member
ok guys I asked for some help as its my first time around and dont wanna kill all the work i did so this is a shot of a bud today


Well-Known Member
I have seen plants pop up with trichomas at the last week, like mine is only shows all trichomas around 7th week :) Your plant looks bloody healthy, what kind of light are you using?