NO defoliation appreciation thread.

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Best to stay out of this one Budget Buds. I'm willing to keep the act up for as long as these morons keep the show going. The best part of it all is that it's pretty much just me against them. If any more people like you talk it may give these idiots pause. I don't want them to pause. They're actually teaching me a lot more than you think too. They're hammering home the reality that in business, you can't treat the regular joe as you would yourself. You have to expect that they are stupid. People in general aren't smart. America is the ultimate example of that right now, they saw the numbers, they saw the facts, they see piles of bodies in trucks; they saw this months ago (except for the bodies piling up) but they still went on with their head in the sand attitude thinking that was it was normal when it was clearly not. Cognitive dissonance at it's finest.
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Basically, their brain can't handle what their senses (lol) provide for them...They look at this and for them it's impossible, it cant happen, therefore it's either not real or they try and reshape it to fit their reality better.IMG_20200406_031613.jpg
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Best to stay out of this one Budget Buds. I'm willing to keep the act up for as long as these morons keep the show going. The best part of it all is that it's pretty much just me against them. If any more people like you talk it may give these idiots pause. I don't want them to pause. They're actually teaching me a lot more than you think too. They're hammering home the reality that in business, you can't treat the regular joe as you would yourself. You have to expect that they are stupid. People in general aren't smart. America is the ultimate example of that right now, they saw the numbers, they saw the facts, they see piles of bodies in trucks; they saw this months ago (except for the bodies piling up) but they still went on with their head in the sand attitude thinking that was it was normal when it was clearly not. Cognitive dissonance at it's finest.
Do you sniff your own farts?
All they see is a future mould garden or pest habitat. People that exhibit cognitive dissonance have extremely poor foresight.IMG_20200406_042117.jpg
This will always be impossible for you...49+ days of impossible ahead. Also please keep showing pictures of your tiny little hobby gardens...That's really useful for me.
Lmao dude
People that exhibit cognitive dissonance have extremely poor foresight.

This is the truest explanation of your behavior yet, well done. The first step to recovery is realizing you have a problem. Now you can free yourself to start learning!
Best to stay out of this one Budget Buds. I'm willing to keep the act up for as long as these morons keep the show going. The best part of it all is that it's pretty much just me against them. If any more people like you talk it may give these idiots pause. I don't want them to pause. They're actually teaching me a lot more than you think too. They're hammering home the reality that in business, you can't treat the regular joe as you would yourself. You have to expect that they are stupid. People in general aren't smart. America is the ultimate example of that right now, they saw the numbers, they saw the facts, they see piles of bodies in trucks; they saw this months ago (except for the bodies piling up) but they still went on with their head in the sand attitude thinking that was it was normal when it was clearly not. Cognitive dissonance at it's finest.
See already they complete miss the main point of cognitive dissonance...The craziest part is some of these guys are Canadian...Disgusting! I always thought Canadians were NOTHING like Americans (only Trumpers) but looks like I've been proven wrong here...Which I'll happily admit to.
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