NO defoliation appreciation thread.

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Quote: When the military defoliates a forest to expose the enemy, do you think they selectively remove only the ones that are damaged?

Hahahahahah!!!!! That almost had me fall off the bed, geez that was funny. But to be serious about it, I too don’t remove anything. My take on it is if the plant doesn’t need it, nature will take its course and get rid of it. I use a trellis net, so if any fans seem to be blocking anything, I can easily tuck them out of the way. I also super crop too, my tent is only 6 1/2 ft tall, the main colas tend to stretch pretty good, so I have to bend them over so they don’t reach the light. But I don’t take anything away, more of controlling where and how it grows.

I’m not knocking the ones that do remove leaves or branches though, I do understand the need and or reason to do so. There are quite a few reasons to do it, I just personally don’t. I thought the fan leaves were how the plant grows, through photosynthesis, and that’s for any plant as far as I know. So to remove the fans or branches seems like it would stunt the growth of the plant as a whole, and not allow it to grow as big as it could’ve, because to my knowledge, and I’m not exactly the smartest person in the world, buds don’t actually grow on their own, they need a little help from their friendly counterparts, the solar panels to the whole operation, the FANS!!

But don’t take my word for it, if it makes you feel good, chop away. But I do believe this thread was started for those that don’t remove anything, not to debate on why or why not to do it.
Your multi year progression is not acceptable. As the plant is following its roots to water. Roots being the decisive term here.
I'm still stuck trying to help on a uni me with this one if you want to free up my brain....

4.3 Consumer Analysis:
Now you need to provide a description of the consumer market associated with the product category. For example:
· Who are they? (e.g. their demographic, psychographic, geographic and behavioural characteristics)

Where the fuck do I find data I can reference that will tell what the average joe eats for breakfast?
I'm still stuck trying to help on a uni me with this one if you want to free up my brain....

4.3 Consumer Analysis:
Now you need to provide a description of the consumer market associated with the product category. For example:
· Who are they? (e.g. their demographic, psychographic, geographic and behavioural characteristics)

Where the fuck do I find data I can reference that will tell what the average joe eats for breakfast?
Exactly whee our discussion leads.
legally their should be nothing wrong with self cultivation of the plant but that's not the case but that's how it should be but people dont care that much these days
Anyways I really do have to do have to get started on this assignment...There were a lot of answers I didn't provide that would make my current grow a lot more understandable. Grow two I did a defol experiment. I know what that can do but I haven't seen a grow yet without any done. I believe a balance in all things is the best way. However, you can't find that balance unless you visit the extremes. I'm not going to go the extreme with full defol as that's been done heaps of times. I'm trying something no one is doing and yes it's a bit of a gamble but not a long shot. Anwyas that's it for me for now. I'll post the daily updates later.
I said it right here...I'm working on an assignment.
Your multi year progression is not acceptable. As the plant is following its roots to water. Roots being the decisive term here.
Okay, found some references can take a break...I'm going to assume it was in relation to our previous convo about the benefits of using kelp. I mentioned it's use for breaking apical dominance but would you be talking about...."When used on the roots, cytokinins stimulate the cell division of root cells"? Probably not as I don't see how that relates to roots looking for water. Otherwise the only other thing I can think of is Yucca. When you use that at the root zone it will disperse the water and nutrients evenly , dissolving pockets of already built up nutrients and creating pathways for the roots to follow. Water follows the path of least resistance, hence an overall improvement of the uptake of nutrients.

Back to the assignment.
Okay, found some references can take a break...I'm going to assume it was in relation to our previous convo about the benefits of using kelp. I mentioned it's use for breaking apical dominance but would you be talking about...."When used on the roots, cytokinins stimulate the cell division of root cells"? Probably not as I don't see how that relates to roots looking for water. Otherwise the only other thing I can think of is Yucca. When you use that at the root zone it will disperse the water and nutrients evenly , dissolving pockets of already built up nutrients and creating pathways for the roots to follow. Water follows the path of least resistance, hence an overall improvement of the uptake of nutrients.

Back to the assignment.
Thank you fo the time and effort exerted to entertain myself and other readers. I hope you and others have benefited from your effort.
With a foliage that dense you need more green light around the 550nm bandwidth as this one can better penetrate through leaves than any other PAR wavelength.
And preferably more blue & UV, but both applications will make the lightoutput less efficient in terms of netto photosynthesis but will help reduce internodial length.

And keep FR to EOD strictly.

Me too buddy me too.
everything is centered around which part of a plant does get direct light, which is in nature is 80-115k lux in a spectrum ranging full from ~300 - +1000 nm, light, heat, damaging rays, all phototropic phyto receptors fully stimulated.

I dont think you can simulate that with a fancy t5 under the canopy ROFL this light is there because someone wants to illuminate the leaves when shooting photos, thats why you see it either on/off in the pics. Its just not strong enough.

These texts do even explain a viable solution to his problem, but I guess the youngsters these days take college more for a party...:

"The axillary buds begin developing when they are exposed to less auxin, for example if the plant naturally has weak apical dominance, if apical dominance is broken by removing the terminal bud, or if the terminal bud has grown far enough away for the auxin to have less of an effect."

^^ the bolded describes topping.

Topping + better light would take care of the countless weaknesses as youve evidenced them here in this thread! -30cm canopy height, shoots established from the top not the bottom of plants so they dont have to search for light like mad and later having so long transport routes, plus the biomass for stems is all in vain...
shoots established from the top not the bottom of plants so they dont have to search for light like mad and later having so long transport routes, plus the biomass for stems is all in vain...
Yes these stems dont do anything, he may instead just do a complete defol and stick them back into the pots.

On the other hand what do light depriven plants need more roots?
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