No girl= BORING!


Well-Known Member
Was in a realationship for roughly a year. You know how you stray away from your friends once you get a girl? Well I'm reaping what I sew because we broke up. And it's killing me I really have no one to hang out with and all I'm doing is watching t.v. I've got game but school isn't in session yet (college) so I can't meet anyone so...any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Was in a realationship for roughly a year. You know how you stray away from your friends once you get a girl? Well I'm reaping what I sew because we broke up. And it's killing me I really have no one to hang out with and all I'm doing is watching t.v. I've got game but school isn't in session yet (college) so I can't meet anyone so...any ideas?
1. Grab your penis firmly with your hand.
2. Move hand up, then down.
3. Repeat.


Staff member
youll move on dont worry, just try to have fun it will get easy as the days pass and eventually you'll find someone new:)


Well-Known Member
Well I know it will pass with time, I've broken up with women before. But the boring part is sooooooo BORING! I'm not broken up about it I'm just concerned about the boring part. Where do most of you guys meet girls? School? Work? Drivers ed? That's all the places I've met my ex's :)


Well-Known Member
Deal with it man. My ass is bored all day until i get some time to burn one and enjoy it by myself or with friends. No girlfriend for me but i do what the shredder said when i get lonely! I usually meet girls at work when they are hot but lately none man so i got to go back to schoool or something.