No idea advice needed


New Member
Hi guys/girls could you take a look at the pics and tell me what you think is wrong I thought it was mag but I've been feeding cak and mag at 1ml per liter bringing my ppm up to 200 as I'm using ro water ph is in range but flused just to be sure plus these are all autos so god knows as they need alot less nutes and ppm are tooped up to 650??????


What medium are they growing in, and what was the watering schedule? Looks like possible over watering. When did you flush them, in relation to the pictures?
I don't know then. That first picture with two leave, they're showing different symptoms, which is why I thought over watering - roots not functioning right, and having multiple nutrient deficiency. Basically, root rot.

Containers all draining properly? How big (and deep) are they?

I'm a hydroponic grower, so am only speculating/grasping. I'm still on the fence with over watering, if they're big/deep containers. If under a powerful light, it could be drying the surface (where you feel) but be wet where the roots are (much lower down).

Sorry I can't provide more conclusive advise. :(


Well-Known Member
My plants look like that every time i transplant into FFOF. It clears up after a week or two (though damaged leaves will not recover). I've determined my soil is too hot. I am a relative novice, but i suggest just backing off the nutrients just a bit, make sure you keep your PH levels on point, and watch for the symptoms to stop spreading to the rest of the plant.

Like i said I'm a novice, so take what i say with a grain of salt. Just trying to be helpful!


New Member
Thanks guys I have translated to try and solve it and to check the roots lovely white now foilage sprayer epsome salt for mag the rust spots etc looks like cal so new soil and increaed my cal/mag sup to ppm350 from 200 which is nearly double past the max dose of 1ml per liter but new leaves still coming through like this


New Member
It's canna soil and ph going is 6.5 I find it hard all the experts on here can't tell what it is from the leafs once again just another form that doesn't seem to offer any answers just keeps asking the same question I know for a fact that an experienced grower would know by the signs of the leafs