Well-Known Member
don't know but why is there a picture of a wheelchair on its door?
Ok.. thats not too funny.
yeah your right not that funny
don't know but why is there a picture of a wheelchair on its door?
Ok.. thats not too funny.
yeah your right not that funny
simple things for...(what was the end of that?)Humour is kinda like that ... hit and miss. I think i'll rap it up for the night. LOL.
(still made me laugh)
simple things for...(what was the end of that?)
sleep well
no i am not in a wheel chair even tho i thought it wasnt it best tastesimple minds
ermm .. I hope youre not actually in a wheelchair, if you are and were offended by that post, I apologize. ... I thought the cubicle joke would work better if I said wheelchair. ... If you didnt get it, the imagery I had was of a toilet cubicle with you sending your posts inside.
anyways, mobius only has love, even if you are brainwashed by the bankrupt bush/cheney doctrine.
no i am not in a wheel chair even tho i thought it wasnt it best taste
i dont see how the fuck you think im a cheney/ bush follower
care to show me anywhere that i have commented against you so called "sacred" plant? (i just like to smoke the shit)
dont fucking lie the conversation was specifically directed at 3 yearolds drinking and you havent shown any proof that any country in europe considereds it normal or healthy
dont fucking lie the conversation was specifically directed at 3 yearolds drinking and you havent shown any proof that any country in europe considereds it normal or healthy
love is good never wise to take things on here personallyI was actually making a wider point. That Moebius argues and insults but at the end he loves all .... Obama Supporters are nice people
but since you mention it ... youve been arguing for tax cuts for the rich! Have you not?
Wow, True Blood dld is whizzing along
"spend or die" applies to the whole economy the rich get their money from selling to people poorer than them
the poor by definition spend everything they have, so creating demand for the products the rich supply
unless the people here are in the "upper income earners" they can't comment on how it would effect them personally unless you specify how it would affect them
if it went into boosting the economy or "shovel rdy jobs" (or any equivalent) then as a whole everyone will benefit as economy raises
if it purely went into paying back debt then everyone is in exactly same boat they are in now
dont forget as economy raises so does your ability to pay back said debt
yeah your a fucking liar because i have never said it has no medicinal valueYou like to smoke the shit? However you see no medicinal value in it and refuse to admit it might actually be good for you without even glimpsing the research aka facts I've pointed to showing that it is. That seems very strange. Why wouldn't you be happy something you enjoy is good for you too?
no you jumped into a conversation that specifically was talking about 3 yearolds and i repeated the 3 yearold part several times after perhaps if you were a bit more honest at the start and admitted that 3 was stretching it (by a pretty fucking long way) then it wouldnt have carried on so longI said children however it is not unheard of for children in the European culture to sip wine with dinner since early childhood. Three may be stretching it but you cling to that ignoring the children as a whole part.
yeah your a fucking liar because i have never said it has no medicinal value
i have said that kids shouldnt get high and i have shown that your "proof" saying as much was bullshit too
no you jumped into a conversation that specifically was talking about 3 yearolds and i repeated the 3 yearold part several times after perhaps if you were a bit more honest at the start and admitted that 3 was stretching it (by a pretty fucking long way) then it wouldnt have carried on so long
All you are doing is running in circles. You were in a conversation about 3 year olds drinking as part of a conversation in which you refuse to admit a 3 year child would not be harmed by using cannabis. If you do believe cannabis a medicine then why can't a 3 year old have that medicine?
Cannabis isn't supposed to be used by anyone with a developing brain. It's virtually harmless when used by robust, fully developed brain, but the extremely high dopamine levels can effect a developing brain.All you are doing is running in circles. You were in a conversation about 3 year olds drinking as part of a conversation in which you refuse to admit a 3 year child would not be harmed by using cannabis. If you do believe cannabis a medicine then why can't a 3 year old have that medicine?
According to who?Cannabis isn't supposed to be used by anyone with a developing brain. It's virtually harmless when used by robust, fully developed brain, but the extremely high dopamine levels can effect a developing brain.
I love the herb, I use it for every ailment and mostly smoke recreationally, but there is evidence against what you say as much as I might not like it.
As you wish. Here is a link to the thread that ginja is referring all i am doing is defending myself from a fucking liar now either show these post where i said what you claim or go fuck yourself
tell you what go fuck yourself while you find those posts
According to who?
show the specific post where i say what you claim fuckwitAs you wish. Here is a link to the thread that ginja is referring to.
Do you have one not clearly stating it was preliminary and did not in fact prove cannabis was the cause?ginjawarrior:7586949 said:According to who?
shouldnt you be off fucking yourself somewhere? or at least off fucking yourself while trying to find proof of your lies?
your a real scummy piece of work aren't you? the "study" that you claim proves its alright to for toddlers get high doesnt do anything of the sort even by the authers own admissionDo you have one not clearly stating it was preliminary and did not in fact prove cannabis was the cause?
but that above is more than enough for you to want to get kids stoned an inconclusive is more than safe according to you but you'll happily throw out evidence of harm because its "preliminary""We can't conclude that there is necessarily no impact from prenatal ganja use but we can conclude that the child who attends basic school regularly, is provided with a variety of stimulating experiences at home, who is encouraged to show mature behavior, has a profoundly better chance of performing at a higher level on the skills measured by the McCarthy scale whether or not his or her mother used ganja during pregnancy," said Dreher.
your a real scummy piece of work aren't you? the "study" that you claim proves its alright to for toddlers get high doesnt do anything of the sort even by the authers own admission
but that above is more than enough for you to want to get kids stoned an inconclusive is more than safe according to you but you'll happily throw out evidence of harm because its "preliminary"
heres a fucking hint from us decent people any suggestion that it cause harm to kids TRUMPS a study where even the auther says"We can't conclude that there is necessarily no impact from prenatal ganja use" if your finding that concept so terribly difficult to understand then i sincerely hope you remove yourself from the gene pool before you do anymore damage to the existing stock
Alot of fuck-wits on here dont seem to realise that cannabis isnt harmful when used by ADULTS.
Every scientific article that has ever said cannabis was safe was referring to adult use.
Who the fuck lets their kids get high? Thats pure retardism right there, and you could possibly cause some kind of real mental defect for your child as a result.
I dunno ginjawarrior, who does more harm to our side? The prohibitionists or the people who supposidly support legalisation?