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  • The Cannabis Grow Bible - by Greg Green

    • ...Curing breaks down chlorophyll which has Magnesium-containg green pigments. Magnesium is responsible for that sharp and harsh taste in the back of your throat..."​

abandonconflict for the case of you causing harm by misinformation i present exhibit A
The cannabis bible by greg green states that curing properly breaks down chlorophyl which has magnesium and is the thing responsible for the sharp, harsh taste in the back of your throat. There are a ton more references to that but basically, not curing properly does not give the bud time to release the harsh chemicals that it needs.
yeah but picking one article out of many does not truth make

did you not read the text that you quoted?
see the underlined part
I picked one article out of many on the same god damn study are you obtuse? Also the "until we have more definit evidence" part is kind of important, it backs up what I was saying about how just recently has positive research flourished we have a lot more research to do but the trend so far makes me confident that it will soon be common knowledge that cannabis is a miracle plant. It is a beautiful giving plant maybe you should try it?
I picked one article out of many on the same god damn study are you obtuse? Also the "until we have more definit evidence" part is kind of important, it backs up what I was saying about how just recently has positive research flourished we have a lot more research to do but the trend so far makes me confident that it will soon be common knowledge that cannabis is a miracle plant. It is a beautiful giving plant maybe you should try it?
when it is suggested that cannabis for children might not be good why the fuck dont you apply the "until we have more definite evidence" and not try to say it "healthy for them"
The cannabis bible by greg green states that curing properly breaks down chlorophyl which has magnesium and is the thing responsible for the sharp, harsh taste in the back of your throat. There are a ton more references to that but basically, not curing properly does not give the bud time to release the harsh chemicals that it needs.

there was a fuck load more statements than the curing bud

care to show the studies that your "bible" undertook to come to these results?
Unlike ginja who is trapped in a cubicle somewhere drinking her kool aid and reminising on the wonderful times she's enjoyed up Cheney's ass I have a Garden to attend to so I must say :peace: for now. Thank you Abandon and Scrotie for upholding the Truth I am really hoping this thread will enlighten many who will benefit from this knowledge.

Unlike ginja who is trapped in a cubicle somewhere drinking her kool aid and reminising on the wonderful times she's enjoyed up Cheney's ass I have a Garden to attend to so I must say :peace: for now. Thank you Abandon and Scrotie for upholding the Truth I am really hoping this thread will enlighten many who will benefit from this knowledge.

exhibit B....
there was a fuck load more statements than the curing bud

care to show the studies that your "bible" undertook to come to these results?
There WERE a lot more statements but THAT statement was one that should only take common sense to figure out. I'm actually looking through different case studies right now including the one that the book (not my bible, it's called a title twat waffle) refers to. Since it looks like you might be way too busy being a defensive lil' pussy to find your own shit. And by common sense, Curing is just another way of flushing the plant. Think of all the chemicals that escape your body through vapor during decomposition. same thing, plants dead, shit escapes. Most of the vapor being chemicals that were introduced during growing. . .
Grow up and accept that cannabis causes cancer? It isn't known by the state of California to cause cancer, so if you get cancer, go ahead and move to CA and get your meds on.

no that link mostly says they dont know did you even bother reading it? you go on thaqt cannabis doent get fair review yet you ignore everything that reviews it fairly
There WERE a lot more statements but THAT statement was one that should only take common sense to figure out. I'm actually looking through different case studies right now including the one that the book (not my bible, it's called a title twat waffle) refers to. Since it looks like you might be way too busy being a defensive lil' pussy to find your own shit. And by common sense, Curing is just another way of flushing the plant. Think of all the chemicals that escape your body through vapor during decomposition. same thing, plants dead, shit escapes. Most of the vapor being chemicals that were introduced during growing. . .

it isnt up to me to go find proof you the claims that you make.

you make a claim you be prepared to back that fucker up thats how this works
But on another note ginjawarrior I did just realize that you were a female so i am sorry that if any of the derogatory terms that i just used may offend you. I love pussy and waffles but you are just acting like a lil' bitch right now. All that I did was chime in with a simple fact and you immediately attacked me.
no that link mostly says they dont know did you even bother reading it? you go on thaqt cannabis doent get fair review yet you ignore everything that reviews it fairly

Yes I read it.

" The researchers looked at 2 cohort studies and 14 case control studies. The case control studies involved many different types of cancer. Results were mixed and the researchers could not make any firm conclusions about the risk of cancer."

doing science wrong