No more direct sunlight :( please advise


Active Member

I have 2 plants growing outdoor since april. one is ice cool which has about 50% brown hairs (I think about 2 weeks from harvest) , the other is a huge sweet thai which has about 10% brown hairs (about 3-4 weeks from harvest). I haven't looked at the trics yet since it's too early for that.

My problem is that the angle of the sun changed so now they have no direct sunlight at all. they are outside but in the shade. (when I planted them in april they had 10 hours direct sunlight, last month they had about 5 hours per day, now they have non.)
My question is can they still mature outside without direct sunlight? the temperature here is pretty high, but again no direct sunlight. Should I leave them be or should I harvest them even though they are not ready yet?
please help.


Well-Known Member
Leave them out, there is still plenty of light for them to catch.. Leave it to mother nature. When you plant outside in the ground and your plant is 10 feet tall, do you move it because it suddenly got cloudy or the angle of the sun changed? NO.
i think your missing what hes asking, i also am in this same boat. the plant is not getting prolonged sunlight anymore becuase of the changing position of the sun in the sky. my plant is camoed by a 20 ft bush, during the spring and summer months all it got was sun now the sun is starting to rise and set behind the bush so my plany gets almost no direct sunlight. i personally wanted to dig it up and move it. but my "friend" was scared we would kill it or cut some main root digging it it. so we ended up leaving it where its at. i cut into the bush a little so it would have a little more light. if you dont need foliage for cover is there any way you can cut trees down around it? i dont think my buds are filling in good due to not having enough light. ill just have to take what i get in my case


Active Member
i think your missing what hes asking, i also am in this same boat. the plant is not getting prolonged sunlight anymore becuase of the changing position of the sun in the sky. my plant is camoed by a 20 ft bush, during the spring and summer months all it got was sun now the sun is starting to rise and set behind the bush so my plany gets almost no direct sunlight. i personally wanted to dig it up and move it. but my "friend" was scared we would kill it or cut some main root digging it it. so we ended up leaving it where its at. i cut into the bush a little so it would have a little more light. if you dont need foliage for cover is there any way you can cut trees down around it? i dont think my buds are filling in good due to not having enough light. ill just have to take what i get in my case
Happening to me also I have light but it is very little now. I took an extention cord and a floresent fixture out there , put it on a timer and synced with the sun. I figured it would be better than not.


Well-Known Member
Oh, like that... Yeah, I guess just cut down the surrounding bush a little. My bad for not understanding..