No more growing for me...

Everything was going smoothly with my little operation I had. I had just one plant in a locked room that only I had the key to. No one ever went in there except for me. I cut down half of the plant about a month ago and had it fully dried and I was already starting to smoke it. It was great and I still had half my plant growing and it was days from getting chopped down until the cops came looking for my plant....

I got ratted out by the worlds biggest piece of sh!t to walk the earth. It was my sister's ex bf who is down right heroin junkie who broke into my house, tore apart my sister's room looking for money. Found some, then came back looking for more. Tried getting to my plant but failed because he's a fuckin junkie. My sister came home and heard all of this noise and saw the loser with two knives trying to get upstairs. She held the door shut and called 911. He takes off and cops catch him pretty quickly with my sister's money, 4 bags of heroin, and some other nasty drug. While in jail, he ratted me out saying I had an illegal grow operation. This pos never saw it the operation. This fucker was banned from coming on my property, but my idiot sister (whp has a kid with) let him come around while I was at work, so he knew something was going on. He knew I smoked weed because i bought some off him years ago.

Cops came to the door and my 10 yr old nephew let them in. There was no search warrant... They came up to my room while I was on a call for work and said they were here to take my stuff. They read me my rights, then tore apart my room and took the stuff i had dried, my grinders, bong, scale, pipe, and seeds. Then I had to take them to my locked room and they went in there and took the light, bottles, plant, timer, and everything else. I was handcuffed and taken to the station and questioned for 3 hrs before they booked me. I have never been arrested nor had any criminal record. Cops were trying to get me to rat on other people, but unfortunately, I don't know any big dealers or anyone with hard drugs. Since I couldn't help, they hit me with 3 misdemeanor charges. I asked the cops what's going to happen when I go to court. They said 'if you ever had a traffic ticket, it's the same thing. You go and found guilty/not guilty and pay a fine'. Me being very leery of cops, I contacted a retired cop who used to work in my shitty town. He's been a friend of the family for almost 40 yrs and bending over backwards to help me out because he knows my family isn't trouble. He gave me a lawyer to call which I have contacted and sitting down with him next week. The lawyer isn't sure i'll need him since they are misdemeanors and I have no prior record, but I am still willing to pay his $1k retainer fee to play it safe.

My intent was never to sell (I told the cops this) and it was only for personal/help my mom with her cancer fight since my shitty state in the US hasn't legalized medical weed yet (2015 it will be legalized for medical). We wanted to see if the weed would help before she went for the medical card since she usually has a CT scan every 3 months. She is still applying for the card even after all of this.

Unfortunately, my growing days are officially over all because of a fuckin rat junkie. Moral of the story, DO NOT GROW UNLESS YOU LIVE ALONE. You can never trust anyone because all it takes it one piece of shit to ruin it. If this piece of shit ever gets out of jail (this is his 2nd felony) and I happen to see him walking down the street....I'm not sure what I will do....I just pray to god he gets his ass killed in jail for being a rat because I'm sure I'm not the only one who he ratted out.

All over a fuckin plant that grows naturally. I wasn't harming anyone. I wasn't trying to make a quick buck either. It was all personals and to see if this would help my mom and shrink her cancer tumor. What is so fuckin wrong?
Everything was going smoothly with my little operation I had. I had just one plant in a locked room that only I had the key to. No one ever went in there except for me. I cut down half of the plant about a month ago and had it fully dried and I was already starting to smoke it. It was great and I still had half my plant growing and it was days from getting chopped down until the cops came looking for my plant....

I got ratted out by the worlds biggest piece of sh!t to walk the earth. It was my sister's ex bf who is down right heroin junkie who broke into my house, tore apart my sister's room looking for money. Found some, then came back looking for more. Tried getting to my plant but failed because he's a fuckin junkie. My sister came home and heard all of this noise and saw the loser with two knives trying to get upstairs. She held the door shut and called 911. He takes off and cops catch him pretty quickly with my sister's money, 4 bags of heroin, and some other nasty drug. While in jail, he ratted me out saying I had an illegal grow operation. This pos never saw it the operation. This fucker was banned from coming on my property, but my idiot sister (whp has a kid with) let him come around while I was at work, so he knew something was going on. He knew I smoked weed because i bought some off him years ago.

Cops came to the door and my 10 yr old nephew let them in. There was no search warrant... They came up to my room while I was on a call for work and said they were here to take my stuff. They read me my rights, then tore apart my room and took the stuff i had dried, my grinders, bong, scale, pipe, and seeds. Then I had to take them to my locked room and they went in there and took the light, bottles, plant, timer, and everything else. I was handcuffed and taken to the station and questioned for 3 hrs before they booked me. I have never been arrested nor had any criminal record. Cops were trying to get me to rat on other people, but unfortunately, I don't know any big dealers or anyone with hard drugs. Since I couldn't help, they hit me with 3 misdemeanor charges. I asked the cops what's going to happen when I go to court. They said 'if you ever had a traffic ticket, it's the same thing. You go and found guilty/not guilty and pay a fine'. Me being very leery of cops, I contacted a retired cop who used to work in my shitty town. He's been a friend of the family for almost 40 yrs and bending over backwards to help me out because he knows my family isn't trouble. He gave me a lawyer to call which I have contacted and sitting down with him next week. The lawyer isn't sure i'll need him since they are misdemeanors and I have no prior record, but I am still willing to pay his $1k retainer fee to play it safe.

My intent was never to sell (I told the cops this) and it was only for personal/help my mom with her cancer fight since my shitty state in the US hasn't legalized medical weed yet (2015 it will be legalized for medical). We wanted to see if the weed would help before she went for the medical card since she usually has a CT scan every 3 months. She is still applying for the card even after all of this.

Unfortunately, my growing days are officially over all because of a fuckin rat junkie. Moral of the story, DO NOT GROW UNLESS YOU LIVE ALONE. You can never trust anyone because all it takes it one piece of shit to ruin it. If this piece of shit ever gets out of jail (this is his 2nd felony) and I happen to see him walking down the street....I'm not sure what I will do....I just pray to god he gets his ass killed in jail for being a rat because I'm sure I'm not the only one who he ratted out.

All over a fuckin plant that grows naturally. I wasn't harming anyone. I wasn't trying to make a quick buck either. It was all personals and to see if this would help my mom and shrink her cancer tumor. What is so fuckin wrong?
I know how you fell dude. I was ratted out to and it sucks ass, police called me from work and told me I had to come home and answer some question saying they had some Anonymous tips from people. And I know it had to be someone who knew me cause they knew my name when they called, but long story short the fuckers ripped up my plants that weren't even done and said they had a street value of 16000 dollars, at 2000 dollars a plant and then put me on the front page of the news paper and the morning news. I mean fuck they were for personal use but they made me out to be a fucking drug king pin. The only good thing about this is they didn't find my seeds. So moral of the story is fuck rats cause the world has no place for them, and karma will bite them in the ass big time.
8 fuckin days left and I am clear of all of this stupid bullshit. Court is next Thursday (Dec 3rd). I've stayed out of trouble and paid off my fine. I am almost freeeeeeeeee!

It hasn't been easy though. I lost my Mom to cancer in early July 2015. One of the reasons I started this grow was to help my Mom. She was never a smoker, but the last few months of her life were spent smoking with me. What this 'drug' did for her was nothing I will ever forget. It may not be the cure for everything, but sure helped my Mom with her pain and her sleepiness nights. Towards the end, I used to get the bowl/bong going and all she had to do was inhale the smoke. Man, just can't believe what this plant does for people, it's still illegal in most of the places.

Too much wine...will give another update after I get through with court!
weed would give me hella anxiety if i had cancer, ughh it'd make me sick and have a anxiety attack for sure, i'd do smack and drink booze
8 fuckin days left and I am clear of all of this stupid bullshit. Court is next Thursday (Dec 3rd). I've stayed out of trouble and paid off my fine. I am almost freeeeeeeeee!

It hasn't been easy though. I lost my Mom to cancer in early July 2015. One of the reasons I started this grow was to help my Mom. She was never a smoker, but the last few months of her life were spent smoking with me. What this 'drug' did for her was nothing I will ever forget. It may not be the cure for everything, but sure helped my Mom with her pain and her sleepiness nights. Towards the end, I used to get the bowl/bong going and all she had to do was inhale the smoke. Man, just can't believe what this plant does for people, it's still illegal in most of the places.

Too much wine...will give another update after I get through with court!
Sorry to hear about your mom but glad you were able to help her when she needed it most. It's a fucking shame people have to go through this shit to care for loved ones. I attribute it with saving my life and allowing me to have quality of life. I've had the honour to share it with others who weren't so lucky but at least had some comfort in their last days. Good luck with your legal crap, hopefully it'll be done with soon.
Hey Homerbud, The first thing is to tell your nephew never let anyone in your house, Even if its the police, and to get you first, there is no law saying that you can't , Second you should fight it and say it was an illegal entry, even though they where let into your home, they had no warrant or no reason, If they did they would have warrant in hand, But like everyone says water under the bridge, I had got busted in 09 I had a so called friend get caught with some and when he got pulled over I read in police report he just handed over the weed and narked on me The cops came but the didn't knock LOL, I had a half pound and money about 6000.00 dollars they gladly Glommed up on . took my Tv, Computers, 12 guns I had not even in my house they were in my garage in the attic, they took them all, but I fought them and got everything back because the Idiot who got caught was a felon, and I have never been in any trouble before and had nothing on my record, ( and still don't) If they have no reason to bust you then they will lose in court even if they found one messily plant, I wish I could post all my paper work so some unfortunate people would have some faith in our system, The cops just can't go around on the words of Junkies and felons, which they do But if you get a good lawyer that is willing to fight for your rights you can win the last thing they want to do is waste money on a trial. I have no use for Narks, Felons or Junkies, it is the only way them cops can get any info, for the life of my I can't understand why someone believes that if the nark it will help them, the only thing it will do is make you lose friend and possible get you killed. So don't worry about them cops do what you have to do and make sure everyone that is in your home knows not to let in cops,
Good luck I sure hope it is over now and you are not afraid if you are then they win, do what you need to do, I would almost assure you that the cops are not watching you they have better things to do. and for the Narc Fuckum that will assure the cops will look for them again just because they are a Narc, if you and anyone reading this keep quiet and don't ever say a thing, then the cops know they are not going to get any info out of you then they won't waste there time looking into you. Don't ever talk chance are they will never mess with you again,
Everything was going smoothly with my little operation I had. I had just one plant in a locked room that only I had the key to. No one ever went in there except for me. I cut down half of the plant about a month ago and had it fully dried and I was already starting to smoke it. It was great and I still had half my plant growing and it was days from getting chopped down until the cops came looking for my plant....

I got ratted out by the worlds biggest piece of sh!t to walk the earth. It was my sister's ex bf who is down right heroin junkie who broke into my house, tore apart my sister's room looking for money. Found some, then came back looking for more. Tried getting to my plant but failed because he's a fuckin junkie. My sister came home and heard all of this noise and saw the loser with two knives trying to get upstairs. She held the door shut and called 911. He takes off and cops catch him pretty quickly with my sister's money, 4 bags of heroin, and some other nasty drug. While in jail, he ratted me out saying I had an illegal grow operation. This pos never saw it the operation. This fucker was banned from coming on my property, but my idiot sister (whp has a kid with) let him come around while I was at work, so he knew something was going on. He knew I smoked weed because i bought some off him years ago.

Cops came to the door and my 10 yr old nephew let them in. There was no search warrant... They came up to my room while I was on a call for work and said they were here to take my stuff. They read me my rights, then tore apart my room and took the stuff i had dried, my grinders, bong, scale, pipe, and seeds. Then I had to take them to my locked room and they went in there and took the light, bottles, plant, timer, and everything else. I was handcuffed and taken to the station and questioned for 3 hrs before they booked me. I have never been arrested nor had any criminal record. Cops were trying to get me to rat on other people, but unfortunately, I don't know any big dealers or anyone with hard drugs. Since I couldn't help, they hit me with 3 misdemeanor charges. I asked the cops what's going to happen when I go to court. They said 'if you ever had a traffic ticket, it's the same thing. You go and found guilty/not guilty and pay a fine'. Me being very leery of cops, I contacted a retired cop who used to work in my shitty town. He's been a friend of the family for almost 40 yrs and bending over backwards to help me out because he knows my family isn't trouble. He gave me a lawyer to call which I have contacted and sitting down with him next week. The lawyer isn't sure i'll need him since they are misdemeanors and I have no prior record, but I am still willing to pay his $1k retainer fee to play it safe.

My intent was never to sell (I told the cops this) and it was only for personal/help my mom with her cancer fight since my shitty state in the US hasn't legalized medical weed yet (2015 it will be legalized for medical). We wanted to see if the weed would help before she went for the medical card since she usually has a CT scan every 3 months. She is still applying for the card even after all of this.

Unfortunately, my growing days are officially over all because of a fuckin rat junkie. Moral of the story, DO NOT GROW UNLESS YOU LIVE ALONE. You can never trust anyone because all it takes it one piece of shit to ruin it. If this piece of shit ever gets out of jail (this is his 2nd felony) and I happen to see him walking down the street....I'm not sure what I will do....I just pray to god he gets his ass killed in jail for being a rat because I'm sure I'm not the only one who he ratted out.

All over a fuckin plant that grows naturally. I wasn't harming anyone. I wasn't trying to make a quick buck either. It was all personals and to see if this would help my mom and shrink her cancer tumor. What is so fuckin wrong?
damn i want to live where you live. Price ofweed must be crazyhigh
Everything was going smoothly with my little operation I had. I had just one plant in a locked room that only I had the key to. No one ever went in there except for me. I cut down half of the plant about a month ago and had it fully dried and I was already starting to smoke it. It was great and I still had half my plant growing and it was days from getting chopped down until the cops came looking for my plant....

I got ratted out by the worlds biggest piece of sh!t to walk the earth. It was my sister's ex bf who is down right heroin junkie who broke into my house, tore apart my sister's room looking for money. Found some, then came back looking for more. Tried getting to my plant but failed because he's a fuckin junkie. My sister came home and heard all of this noise and saw the loser with two knives trying to get upstairs. She held the door shut and called 911. He takes off and cops catch him pretty quickly with my sister's money, 4 bags of heroin, and some other nasty drug. While in jail, he ratted me out saying I had an illegal grow operation. This pos never saw it the operation. This fucker was banned from coming on my property, but my idiot sister (whp has a kid with) let him come around while I was at work, so he knew something was going on. He knew I smoked weed because i bought some off him years ago.

Cops came to the door and my 10 yr old nephew let them in. There was no search warrant... They came up to my room while I was on a call for work and said they were here to take my stuff. They read me my rights, then tore apart my room and took the stuff i had dried, my grinders, bong, scale, pipe, and seeds. Then I had to take them to my locked room and they went in there and took the light, bottles, plant, timer, and everything else. I was handcuffed and taken to the station and questioned for 3 hrs before they booked me. I have never been arrested nor had any criminal record. Cops were trying to get me to rat on other people, but unfortunately, I don't know any big dealers or anyone with hard drugs. Since I couldn't help, they hit me with 3 misdemeanor charges. I asked the cops what's going to happen when I go to court. They said 'if you ever had a traffic ticket, it's the same thing. You go and found guilty/not guilty and pay a fine'. Me being very leery of cops, I contacted a retired cop who used to work in my shitty town. He's been a friend of the family for almost 40 yrs and bending over backwards to help me out because he knows my family isn't trouble. He gave me a lawyer to call which I have contacted and sitting down with him next week. The lawyer isn't sure i'll need him since they are misdemeanors and I have no prior record, but I am still willing to pay his $1k retainer fee to play it safe.

My intent was never to sell (I told the cops this) and it was only for personal/help my mom with her cancer fight since my shitty state in the US hasn't legalized medical weed yet (2015 it will be legalized for medical). We wanted to see if the weed would help before she went for the medical card since she usually has a CT scan every 3 months. She is still applying for the card even after all of this.

Unfortunately, my growing days are officially over all because of a fuckin rat junkie. Moral of the story, DO NOT GROW UNLESS YOU LIVE ALONE. You can never trust anyone because all it takes it one piece of shit to ruin it. If this piece of shit ever gets out of jail (this is his 2nd felony) and I happen to see him walking down the street....I'm not sure what I will do....I just pray to god he gets his ass killed in jail for being a rat because I'm sure I'm not the only one who he ratted out.

All over a fuckin plant that grows naturally. I wasn't harming anyone. I wasn't trying to make a quick buck either. It was all personals and to see if this would help my mom and shrink her cancer tumor. What is so fuckin wrong?
Really sorry to hear this dude .feel for ya do what i did move house growing for medication is part of my life i had the judge's head fucking spinning when i went into cbd,and the plants was tested for thc and came back with a very low thc content,i had no brief in court i did it my self,i was advised to do this after talking to a brief,caution moved house now i'm at it again they can't keep me down send me to prison i come out and do it again i need the stuff to feel well,so does my wife,heroin is a bad thing,you made a major error tell no one ,no one not even my family know what i do.Most people that i know who have been in the same situation has you its been through girlfriends breaking up with them ,that is why i was very lucky when i got hit i was doing a friends low thc high cbd strain,even the judge said it would not be worth any thing to use to get high after it came back from the lab's,in the end it was more like a question and answer trail they was amazed that i knew what i knew about it,they brought so called people who knew about cbd,the funny thing is one of these came up to me after and asked if he could at some point in the future talk to me about cbd,he said very little re-search has been done with the plant been illegal did i talk to him did i fuck,hope all goes well in the future for you,

peace tyke
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Any one over sea's please try and find me blue dream regular,would be really grateful,have load of feminized seeds i would send you to say thanks along with a few of these genetic's.

I just can't seem to get blue dream in regular form,the plant above is my own doing so no one has the strain,i have not shared this with any one else that is how much i want blue dream.

Pick your self up,dude and try and find a new place to live,tell no one i mean no one,the best of friends even family an be the worst of all,but get some money earned.and fuck every one.

I hate story's like this i have family members that are using heroin,and it is the devils dandruff,that is for sure,it change's the best of people i put £3,500 pound towards a friend going into a re - hab,he got of it came out went straight back to it ,and was dead in a year loved him to bit's too he was my best friend,but the shit got a serious grip over him,it's a illness dude one that really breaks people and family units into pieces,so just keep everything to your self.
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Any one over sea's please try and find me blue dream regular,would be really grateful,have load of feminized seeds i would send you to say thanks along with a few of these genetic's.

I just can't seem to get blue dream in regular form,the plant above is my own doing so no one has the strain,i have not shared this with any one else that is how much i want blue dream.

Pick your self up,dude and try and find a new place to live,tell no one i mean no one,the best of friends even family an be the worst of all,but get some money earned.and fuck every one.

I hate story's like this i have family members that are using heroin,and it is the devils dandruff,that is for sure,it change's the best of people i put £3,500 pound towards a friend going into a re - hab,he got of it came out went straight back to it ,and was dead in a year loved him to bit's too he was my best friend,but the shit got a serious grip over him,it's a illness dude one that really breaks people and family units into pieces,so just keep everything to your self.

Thanks man! I'm moving out on my own next year into a whole new area where no one will know my name. Can't wait!

Less than a day left, woooohoooo!
Damn! It has all come to an end. :lol::lol: Walked in, sat for two hours before they called my case, Judge asked me if I've been in any trouble (nope), you may go. Thank you, your Honor! :mrgreen: #legalizeitusa!

I appreciate all the comments that were left. The good/bad. I did what I had to do in my situation. I didn't rat anyone out nor would I ever. I had bad choice of words when I started this. Never about any money or trying to save my ass, just wanted to grow a small amount to try and help ease my Mom's pain and of course, some for myself, too. :eyesmoke: #legalizeitusa!

Moral of this whole thread was well said by many of you folks. Tell no one, especially family. All it takes is one bad person...Now it's time for me to celebrate!! bongsmiliebongsmilie #legalizeitusa!
I have sympathy for addicts, but snitches get ditches, and that rat deserves anything he gets. Glad to hear it went well in the end.