Well-Known Member
So just curious, but where do you live that you're so concerned about the power spike? If you live in the states, just pay your bill, on time, and don't steal electricity. I live on the east coast USA, in a state where mj is completely illegal in every way, and 2 years ago I ran a space heater too much for a month. My electic bill jumped from about 80 a month to over 300 for that month, and I didn't hear a peep from the 5.0 or from the electric company.Ya i had considered staggering them in that sense but as Smot360 explained beautifuly why it wouldnt work as to what i am looking for. And to the people that keep saying pay your power bill and you will be fine, i am assuming you are in places that it is legal to cultivate and have very little to worry in that aspect. However in my situation it is not legal to cultivate and have higher risk of people noticing things or taking actions based off the power spikes. So i am basically trying to be "stealthy" on a larger scale
And I'm also curious....do you NEED to run that many lights? Are you TRYING to get yourself caught? IMO the bigger your grow op the more likely you'll get caught. You sound too paranoid dude...in all seriousness maybe you shouldn't grow. Or grow it outside somewhere?