no N nutes for the first 2-3 weeks of flowering?


Well-Known Member
i recently read on a thread that you should give no grow/N nutes for the first three weeks of flower cuz it causes stretch. is this true?


Well-Known Member
yes this is true, u should start 1 week before u start flowerin, u might b fine if your growin pure indica but a hybrid or sative will stretch like crazy with grow nutes for the first 2-3 weeks flowering..

also keeping the day and night temps close the first 2-3 weeks flowerin will also stop stretch.....

stretch is bad!! hum k


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply. I have some sativa indica crosses that are trying to get too big on me, i guess its because of all the N in the soil. So no Grow solution, or just no N. If its the latter how the hell am i supposed to just nix the N and not the other shit in the N.

Also is this for the entire flower period or just for the first part?


Well-Known Member
you can buy nutes with just PK no N

1 week before flowerin stop giving grow nutes..
then when u start 12/12 give it your pk nutes, your plant will stretch for the first 2-3 weeks when its finnished stretchin give some grow nutes aswell as your flowerin nutes..

ya the hybrids stretch like crazy.. i has some jock horror that went into flowerin at 6 inches finnished at 4ft... 2/3's of the plant was waste no nodes hardly..

also keep your lights as close as possible

also keep night and day temps as close as possible :peace: