No new pistils at week 5

Not trying to get you to bite I'm telling you it's not from pollenation I've grown enough to know what a pollenated plant looks like no signs of intersex trates or seeds forming I'm not looking for easy answers you can look up on google for pistils dying early I've grown hundreds of plants it has to be something else
But in the OP you say you’ve only grown for a year lol
So Ive had this same issue in this tent before I've been giving the same nutes and same environment as the plants in the tent next to it and had no issues with them idk if it's the light causing this or what but I'm at week 5 of flower and almost all my pistils have turned and the buds aren't all that big either I was thinking it could have been because of a lockout so I've flushed my medium the past few waterings I know the buds aren't ready and I'm trying to get them to put off white pistils again the calyxes are swelling but no new pistils idk what's going on I've been growing for over a year have only had this issue once before never found out what the culprit was my temps fluctuate from 75 during lights on to 65 when lights out and anywhere from 55% to 45% rh anyone got any ideas
To be fair you removed your images so I can't take a close look.

But you did post in Newbies. So you should expect answers suitable to people without your experience, next time consider posting in Plant Problems.

Another answer can be shitty genetics and a close look wouldn't help me there. I run a lot of seed tables, mostly seed tables. When I see what you're describing I know I've had a successful pollination. That isn't the only explanation but it's the big one.

Instead of telling everyone they are wrong you might want to thank them for their input and drill down on other possibilities.
OP: I haz question. Please halp?

RIU: here is some constructive criticism and possible answer to your question.

OP: No, you haz wrong. I iz best grower. I no need your help

RIU: provides alternate explanation

OP: No, you haz wrong and I iz Wright. Why I even axe for halp!?
