Well-Known Member
what truth...that Chump is playing all you birthersHe better soon shut up otherwise the truth may be revealed... libs crack me up.
Ha ha yes shut uup!
what truth...that Chump is playing all you birthersHe better soon shut up otherwise the truth may be revealed... libs crack me up.
Ha ha yes shut uup!
what truth...that Chump is playing all you birthers
He is an idiot that was born into money...very easy to make money when you got it...oh contrare. i am not a birther at all. i am one of the folks that thinks it doesnt matter. he IS the potus. the birther ship has sailed and nothing can change that. i am just fascinated by the whole thing. and if he was born in another country, its one hell of a scam.
besides, trump has zero impact on birthers. they are already firmly against obama. i think trump raises some interesting points and regardless of what you think of the man, he isnt a blooming idiot. he is smart and savy and has made a living being smart and savy. this isnt some three toothed loon making wild statements about little green men in a spaceship. this is a brilliant business man raising some serious points.
He is an idiot that was born into money...very easy to make money when you got it...
it's funny to think of all those people who claimed obama's years in the IL. legislature prior to being in the US Senate did not qualify him to be president, but trump's career as a high-profile developer turned tv star does.