no nutrients?


Do i necessarily need to use nutrients on my plants? they are in moisture control soil with plenty of 23watt cfls.


Well-Known Member
Dude have you read the forum?

Moisture control soil is bad as it HOLDS MOISTURE and for new growers this very often causes overwatering problems

and yes you'll need nutes at some point with that soil


Well-Known Member
everything needs food. potting soil has a small amount of nutes but are not designed to be "just" watered. Unless you are using a massive pot to grow in its gonna run out of nutrients (and need supplementing). just thing of nazi concentration camps and lack of food, the people withered away. Im sure they were given plenty of water.

A small 1 gal pot filled with potting soil will probably sustain a plant for a few months before going deficient.


Well-Known Member
defiantly use nutes because without them the yield will be very poor. Ive tried without and its not worth the effort.


Well-Known Member
you dont necessarily need the nutrients, but if i was using cfls i would def use nutes, need all the help you can get at that point.

but you could most certainly go with no nutes all throughout your plants life, just dont expect anything impressive out of it.


yeah. my plants have just started the flowering cycle. when would be the best time to give it nutes??


Well-Known Member
i recomend using Dr Hornby big bud, use it 2 weeks into flowering. If your using cheap nutes use them now but dont use full strengh straight away. use about half of what it says on the bottle then work your way up to more.


Well-Known Member
yeah. my plants have just started the flowering cycle. when would be the best time to give it nutes??
About two weeks ago was the best time to feed them. At the very least, get a good basic nutrient formula, it shouldnt cost you more than $40/cycle at your growing rate....


Well-Known Member
you can get a quart of general hydroponics floranova bloom for about 30 bucks.

its 1 part simple to use and has good results for a one part system.


Well-Known Member
Wow.. someone should sticky this thread. LOL!

Every living organism needs food, plants are no exception.


P.S.- Are you the same guy that asked if he can use the LED on his Camera phone to light his plants?


New Member
It is possible to set up the soil organically so it doesn't need store bought fert's...but it takes at least a year to set up properly.

It just takes good soil. Plants didn't evolve with ppl adding fert's to them.

It can be done.


New Member
You always get what you pay for ... unless you are a hooker.

That being said.... try "Bonnie's organic fertilizer". You should be able to pick it up at Home depot garden centers for about 10-13 dollars I think. It's 8-4-4 ... which should get you through the veg and even flower if you aren't trying to grow monster yield. With price concerns, something has to give somewhere.
But it's a good available liquid organic fert.


Active Member
I dont use any nutes for the first 2-3 weeks or so, but after that its a whole different ball game. Try a search and you will come up with more than enough posts to answer all the questions you may have. good luck


Well-Known Member
Better to ask questions before you start growing when you claim to not have money to spend on it. The floranova as suggested before is kind of pricey but is excellent one part bloom nute, maybe just get a pint for now and next grow grab the grow part to have complete basic nute two part. Or cheaper is GH floranova series half the price of the two part Floranova about 15 per quart